Chapter 12

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Camielle sat wincing slightly as Shane individually zip-tied each leg and arm to the icy metal chair. As she screamed and swore at him from behind the silver slab of duct tape, Shane did nothing but laugh.

"Don't be upset my darling."

She heard him slip something off a table behind her.

"It'll all be over soon."

The sound of his boots resonated off the walls as he took his sweet, sweet time to reach his prey.

"Soon, you'll haveno pain."

A step closer.

"No anger."

Two steps.

"No... sorrow."

A hand on her chest, a whisper in her ear.

"No fear."

Then, a knife to her throat. She uttered a muffled squeal of terror and felt as the knife pressed harder.

"You feel that? I know you're terrified Camielle. I can... feel it."

A small sob escaped Cam's throat. Shane reached up slowly with his free hand and ripped the tape from her mouth. Cam winced but began to beg through stinging lips.

"Please," she gasped hoarsely, "Don't do this. I'm begging you..."

Tears ran hot down her sweaty face. Frizzling strands of hair stood out at odd places and clung to the sides of her beautiful face.

"Don't do what, my dearest?"

Shane released her quaking body and stood.

"Cut you like you did me?"

He began to circle her.

"Rip your heart out like you did mine?"

He stopped in front of her.

"Kill you like you've forced me to have done to myself?!"

Shane screamed at her, leaning into her face and smiled like a lunatic when Camielle squirmed further into the chair.

"You're dead to me Camielle Erikson! DEAD!"

He leaned even closer to the shaking woman and nestled into her hair on the left side of her face.

"You're nothing Camielle Erikson. It's your own fault that you're here right now. You're evil... and you're heartless."

Then, he was gone and Cam was left in the dark sobbing.


CC was at the counter in the breakroom getting a refill on her black coffee when David crashed through the door.

"CC, we've found him! Well... sort of."

CC held up a hand.

"Sort of? What the hell does that mean?"

He sighed and ran shaky hands through snarled hair.

"There's two places he could possibly he could be. An old manor off the highway and a two story on someplace called Degan Road."

"Great. Split the team up and I'll ride with you."

A while later, David and CC were in David's Impala on their way to Degan Road. David slammed the brakes and turned sharply to his partner.

"David! What the hell? We need to get there now!"

Malone shushed her.

"Degan Road... It doesn't exist."

His partner sat silent for a second, confused, then spoke slowly.

"Yes it does. How else would-"

"No, no! We're cops Corbin. We're supposed to know every street and we do. Degan isn't one of those. It's an anagram..."

"What for David?"

"Aangeo Dr. That's where he's keeping her."

"I think you're losing it Malone. I mean, Camielle's house? He couldn't possibly be dumb enough to return to the scene of the crime..."

David let out a frustrated growl and turned the car around.

"Just trust me Corbin."

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