Chapter 11

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It had been two long weeks and David Malone was spending week number three sitting alone at the counter of his favorite diner. It was a quaint little diner, decorated in baby blues and dashes of lavender. The floor was plain white tile. The chairs matched the tables with their simple blue and white checkers. On the counter in front of him sat a plate laden with scrambled eggs and soggy toast. They were cold, for how long, David didn't know, nor did he care. Marcy, a waitress in her mid-fifties, came over to him from behind the counter carrying a coffee jug.

"Can I refill you hon?"

Malone stared at his cup, scratched his two day beard and coughed. The cup was still full, no longer steaming. He shook his head. Marcy glanced back and forth from the cup to the half sane man at her counter, shrugged, and left. Sitting besides his coffee mug, his cell began to vibrate. David glared at it for a while before picking up.

"Malone." His voice was hoarse and hollow.

"David! You need to get down here now."

It was Colette. She was out of breath and extremely eager.

"My shift starts in two hours. That's when I'll get there and you can catch me up then."

"Malone, wait. We think... We think we might have found where he's keeping her." He became alert.

"What? Hold on. I'll be there in," he checked his watch, "In twenty minutes."

He snapped the phone shut without waiting for any response and dropped a twenty on the counter top. Then, practically running, he headed for the precinct.


David bounded into the Domingo Police Precinct very eager.


David jumped at the gruff voice and turned around to find himself face to face with Captain Dennis Shaw. Shaw towered David by a good five inches and stood only that far from him.


"We need to talk Malone."

"Sir, I'd really love to stay and chat, but I'm working a case." He said monotone.

Malone turned to leave but Shaw grabbed his arm.

"David... Don't do anything stupid, okay? Don't get in too deep. I've been doing this for a long time and I've seen men get too carried away. I've-" his voice faltered, "I've even been in this position before and sometimes... The victim doesn't pull through. You can't come back from that."

Angry, David clenched his hands into fists, feeling the nails cut through his skin.

"Camielle will get through this. She's strong."

With that said, he left to find CC.


Shane Davis carried his prey in his arms. Her head hung back, as did both arms, limp from the recent she received. Shane walked carefully through the halls. He had spent the past couple weeks preparing a new room for Camielle. Carefully, he trekked through the hallways so she wouldn't hit her head. Shane didn't want to bruise her beautiful, athletic body. He turned a familiar corner to face a door leading into the basement of the abandoned house.



Hearing the edge in her partner's voice, Colette looked up.

"David, I'm glad you're here."

CC was in a conference room with six cops, the ADA and the head of the SWAT team. They gathered around the metal table with a large map marked in several bright floors.

"We released to the press Shane's possible hideouts. We believe to have-"

Her words were cut short by the obnoxious ring of the black phone. The moment CC picked up, her face went pale. She hit the speaker button, replaced the reciever and stood back.

"Hello David."

The deep voice echoed through the room and all eyes settled on the detective.

"I know you can hear me so, I'll continue. I saw your little friend on the news today. Well, Icalled because I have some news of my own... You'll never find her. I've moved location as you know, so good luck finding us now," A whimper, "Good. You're awake. Say hi to your little girlie Detective. It'll be the last time you ever do."

"David? David please help me! I'm so scared."

"That's enough Shane! Let her go!"

In just two steps, David had crossed the room and slammed his fists into the metal table.

"Goodbye Detective."

Click... The line went dead.

"Trace that call and would somebody get me ALL know addresses on Shane! I also want all names and addresses of any dead OR living relatives in the area! He couldn't have gotten to far... Let's go people."

Cops scattered when she finished giving instructions and went about their ways to get information. She walked over to David, placing a hand on his muscle toned shoulder.

"We'll get him David. Count on it."



So, so sorry about the late upload everybody!! Been extremely busy with a lot. BUT there is soon bad news... There's only a few more chapters to be uploaded. It's almost over!!!

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