Just then Fred Andrews took to the small stage set up in Picken's Park and tapped the microphone to ensure it was working.

"Hello, Riverdale. Happy Picken's day! On behalf of Lodge Industries and Andrews construction we are thrilled to kick things off with a new twist on an old favorite, Veronica and the Pussycats!" Fred announced.

Veronica, Valerie and Melody took their places on stage and began singing, much to Josie's shock and dismay. Everyone watched and listened in awe, meanwhile Lexy was tapping her foot and playing with her coin impatiently waiting to leave.

About midway through the song however, Lexy was glad she had stayed. The Serpents came marching through the crowds of people holding signs with phrases such as 'honor this land' written on them. They wore tape over their mouth, a theatrical touch which Lexy knew was more than likely Jughead's idea.

All the Serpents came to a stop as Toni stood in front of the stage, Sweetpea and Fangs guarding each side of her. The music slowly died down. Lexy smiled as she watched the Serpents protest. They would not go down without a fight.

"Toni? Jughead, what the hell is going on?" Veronica asked Jughead who stood in front of the crowd.

"We're here representing the dead and the silenced. Picken's Day is a lie! General Pickens slaughtered the Uktana tribe, my grandfathers family. And this land, the land that we're standing on, the land that will soon give way to a New Southside was stolen from them. And we can't bring them back, but can and we must honor them." Toni recited through a megaphone.

Everyone in the crowd was confused and shocked as to what they were hearing. This was clearly new information to all of them. Lexy smiled at Toni reassuringly. However her smile disappeared when she noticed the mayor and the Lodges sharing concerned looks right before Hiram Lodge ran up on stage.

"Hey folks! I think we can all be proud to live in a Riverdale where young people stand up for justice. Where a young woman can defend the honor and legacy of her grandfather. And where we can celebrate the living legacy of the Uktana who contribute to the tapestry of Riverdale. The Southside. And what will be SoDale. So let's hear it!" Hiram Lodge said, stringing words together to get the crowd back on his side, and it appeared to work as everyone cheered.

The Serpents looked to one another, all disappointed that their protest hadn't worked. Lexy scoffed and rolled her eyes before marching towards the stage. Archie attempted to stop her but knew that was like trying to stop a firework from going off after lighting it. She yanked the mic from Hiram and began speaking.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but if any of you believe one word this crook is selling to you, then this town is even more delusional than I thought. In fact, Riverdale isn't even a town anymore. We're just a bunch of people who worship a murder and bow down to a criminal." Lexy said, gesturing to Hiram Lodge.

Once again, the Serpents were all shocked at the lengths she would go to in order to help them.

"Then again. Maybe sometimes it's better if the youth doesn't speak out. Especially when they're loose canons who don't know what they're talking about." Hiram took the mic back and laughed patronizingly at Lexy.

Lexy's eyes widened and she looked at her brother who immediately averted his gaze.

"Loose cano- Oh I'll show you a loose canon." She said under her breath before throwing herself in Hiram's direction.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now