
211 6 14


·self harm
·eating disorders

Woojin POV

i waved goodbye to my brother and his friends as i approached my locker, inputting the code and turning the knob to the correct numbers.

things had been going great lately. i am passing all my classes, i'm finally healing from my sisters death, and i think chan might actually like me back! even better, that strange number hadn't texted since the other day. i decided to brush it off and had come to the conclusion that it was just a prank.

my locker popped open and i grabbed my books, but not without taking notice of the small envelope sitting beside my math notes. i sit my things down momentarily to open the small rectangular shaped object. inside of the envelope was a small paper that was folded in half. i unfold it and read the content inside.

next time, LISTEN when someone warns you.


"i'm so sick of these juniors playing these stupid pranks..." i mumble quietly, crumpling up the paper and throwing it away. with that, i picked up my books and walked to class, humming under my breath.


i arrived home first per usual. seungmin has after school meetings everyday for his vocal lessons and our parents are working overseas. this means i'm home alone for a couple of hours.

upon reaching my front porch, i notice a small box wrapped in decorative paper. maybe its a gift? i think to myself. so, i bring the box into the house and up to my room. after setting my stuff down, i re-approach the box and examine it closely. after examining the object for a while, i find a small tag in the side. i read in silently to myself.

to: woojin

do you miss her?

i frown, not understanding. either way, i open the gift. it was another note. i open it skeptically and was immediately brought to tears.


i don't know how much longer i can do this. it hurts to stay here. i'm trying to push through, i really am. it's just... so hard...


"jennie..." i mumbled. i felt my heart shatter and memories flood my brain.

i was at school when i found out. 2 years ago, during my sophomore year, jisung, one of seungmins friends, came running to me. he was out of breath when he finally caught up, but that didn't stop him from hugging me tightly. i didn't understand what was happening but i hugged him back nevertheless.

"are you...okay?" he asks me quietly. "of course i'm okay. why wouldn't i be?" i replied, a hint of sarcasm in my voice. the other boy frowned.

"what do you mean 'why wouldn't i be'? if my sister died, i wouldn't be okay."


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