Following You 1

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Ben sat relaxing in the middle of the woods. His uncle Luke Skywalker was training him and Rey still, despite what he did. He was grateful that his father got to him in time. They left that day and came back to the Resistance where he was welcomed with open arms. Even though they were Jedis,they were allowed to be married. Which made Ben happy that finally she took his hand.

So far it had only been two years,yet the Resistance had grown they had more fighters,won more battles yet not the war. Through all of the happiness and good,something was missing; Ben finally had everything he wanted but he wasn't at peace.

"Ben," he heard softly as he opened his eyes he stayed floating as he saw Rey standing before him.

"I'm almost done I'll be-," Ben began but he stopped as he saw her eyes. They looked afraid, something was wrong but as he felt her emotions gently he couldn't tell.

"There's...something is coming, " she stuttered out as she paced.

"Where are you?," he asked.

"I'm in our room...I-," she began and stopped as she rang her hands.

"Do not be afraid,I'm here," he told her as his feet touched the ground he walked towards her holding out his hands. Rey hesitantly reached out slowly as if touching him would shock her. As she did his eyes closed as she shared her vision with him. The planet seemed to be breathing, it seemed as if it was in terrible pain. It tore at the ground as blood poured from the dirt and poured over the wet dewy grass.

"Where are you?," a deep gurgled voice asked as they saw a flash of golden eyes.

"What are you?," Ben demanded despite the warmth that he felt feeling him. It was not fear,or pain not even anger, it was a deep and animalistic hunger.

"I see you," the voice replied in a sing song voice.

Rey snatched her hands away from her husband as if she was burned. The last part was not apart of her original vision. It was new and fresh,and even more terrifying because she felt longing to know who or what it was.

"Did you tell Master Luke?," Ben asked as Rey shook her head no.

"I thought I should tell you first, I don't know how he'll react, " she asked hoping that he couldn't tell how she felt; not knowing that his feelings were the same.


The first breath was hard as they inhaled blood and afterbirth,their lungs burned as their hands clawed at wet bloody earth. Their grip slipped as they fell back into the wet murky womb as they struggled to breath. The umbilical cord wrapped around their throat as they struggled against it,the placenta hitting them in the face as their nose began to bleed.  They tried getting out again their dark skin coming in contact with the grass,the full moon hung over their head; welcoming the new life into the universe. 

Their vision was blurred as their golden eyes tried to adjust to the new world. Lightning bugs flew around them as they tried to stand,they collapsed into the bloody mud. Their body hurt in every way possible way,their nerves screamed,their bones creaked,they were born too soon.

' I must find them,' they thought as the sound of  voices flowed from nearby. They didn't understand the language at first,it was foreign to their ears,it was jibberish. As they listened longer they followed the noise, hidden by the night and tall grass they crawled seeing lights the stopped. Assessing the situation they watched soon realizing that people were packing up,to leave.

' I must go with them,'  they thought as they held their umbilical cord tight and tried to stand again despite how their bones cracked,their body compelled them to go after the people. They were covered in blood,mud and afterbirth as the cold air began to harden it. The mud was warm and squished between their toes,yet they pushed on,using the trees as leverage. They saw a black man next to a large fur creature their backs were to them as they saw the ship they struggled to go towards it. They bright light hurt their eyes as they tried shielding their golden orbs they stumbled inside, mud trailing behind them as did their hair. Looking below them,it looked dark and cozy their fingers latched onto the cold metal. A few moments passed as they listened for a change in the odd dialect yet it seemed as if no one noticed their presence. They climbed inside the warm hatch, their umbilical cord and placenta in hand as they pulled their hair behind them closing it just in time.


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