Ch.1- Last Train to Hogwarts

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Harry was on the train to Hogwarts, frantically searching for an empty compartment. There was no way he was going to sit there next to Ginny. Everything was so awkward between them. Sure, Harry wanted to get back together, and he was sure that she felt the same way. But something at the back of his head was nagging him and he just couldn't figure out what it was.

As he passed multiple compartments, he could practically feel the glances and stares burn through him. He inhaled sharply, and continued walking, but increasingly faster as he felt the glances start to scorch his skin:

He reached the end of the train, finally finding a compartment devoid of people. He slid open the compartment door, closing it behind him as he entered. He propped himself onto the seat, turning his head to face the window. He watched as the Hogwarts Express started moving, the sound of the wheels screeching on the rails filled his ears and mind, before being brought back to reality by a sudden poke on his arm.

He faced the person who had poked his arm, and unfortunately, it was none other than the person he wanted to avoid. Her red hair looked like a freshly started flame, and her eyes held a sad, pity-worthy look.

"Can I sit here?" Ginny asked.

Harry wanted to decline, but he couldn't bring himself to. He gave out a sigh and nodded, earning a small smile from Ginny, who then sat on the seat opposite of Harry. Harry looked up at her, hoping his heart would flutter the same way it used to when he would see her, but to no avail. He felt nothing for her anymore. Maybe just pity, knowing that as soon as he told her this, it'd break her heart.

"Harry, I was wondering..." she began,
"If you wanted to get back together? I mean, that whole breakup was just for some stupid heroic reason,  but now since there's nothing to worry about, it seems stupid to stay apart." 

She stared at Harry expectantly, hoping he was going to agree, or use actions instead of words, if you catch my drift. But instead, Harry's head hung low, and he cursed himself under his breath for having to do this, but he knew it would be wrong for him to say he loved her, when he clearly didn't. He knew that they would both be miserable in that situation, and took a deep breath, readying himself for what had to be said.

"Ginny," he said softly, " I don't think it would be a good idea. I don't feel that way about you anymore..."

He watched as her face contorted into something of disgust and heartbreak, something he never thought he'd see planted on her face. She scoffed and crossed her arms, and if a glare could kill, hers right now definitely would.

"It's because of Malfoy, isn't it." She said, her voice dripping with dislike and hate. Malfoy? Why in the name of Merlin's beard would it be because of Malfoy?

"I have just as many romantic feelings for Malfoy as I do for you. None." He snapped, his anger and pride getting the better of him.

Honestly, how could anyone in their right mind think I could like him? I've never shown any sign of that towards him. Right?

Malfoy has been Harry's nemesis ever since he step foot at Hogwarts. Sure, Harry doesn't hate him as much as he used to, but you can't just throw away years and years of hatred and dislike just over one thing.

Harry looked up, expecting to see Ginny's glare once more, but was instead greeted by an empty seat. He heard footsteps approach his compartment, but didn't care to see who it was. As the door slid open, he met a familiar pair of sharp grey eyes.

He really wasn't in the mood to hear petty insults from Malfoy right now. Harry groaned in frustration at the sight of Malfoy. He wanted to just hex that little smirk off of his face.

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