Day out part 1

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Florian's POV

After Amber past out I brought her to my car and laid her in the back. I got in and drove to my house. I parked, got amber and and went into the house.

I walked her upstairs and laid her on my bed. I decided to change her clothes and put her into one of my shirts. I made sure again that she was ok.

I go down stairs, outside and into my car. I wanted to get some food for me and my babygirl. I went to a good diner close by. Once I got the food and went back to the house.

Amber's POV


I woke up in a big ass room that to my knowledge and remembrance does not belong to me. Where the hell I'm I. The room was beautiful and warm.

I looked down and realized I didn't have my dress on but shirt that's not mine. I get up and start to walk around trying to figure where I am and who brought me here. I found my way down stairs, the heard the front door open so I turned.

I saw Florian walk in and everything that happened tonight came back to me. My friends and I going to the club. The club getting shot up. My friends going with those boys, that's all I can remember before everything go black.

"Hey amber are you ok, I got you some food thought you would be hungry when you woke up. "

"Hey thank you, what happened after my friends left the club I can't really remember anything?"

"You past out, I brought you here to my house like we planed."

I nodded and started to eat the food he got me. I was a little nervous but I think it's something I'll get over. I then remembered I wasn't wearing my dress.

"Umm Florian did you change my clothes? "

"Oh yes thought you would be more comfortable that way then in the tight dress you had on before."

"Oh ok thank you I guess" Not really knowing what to say

He nodded then spoke a couple seconds later

"Tomorrow we'll go by your house and get some of your clothes or if you feel more comfortable we'll go to the mall or we can do both. Whatever you prefer. "

"We can just go to my house I don't want you spending money on me, you were already nice enough to let me be here to protect me. "

"That's not something you need to be worried about and you need to get used to it because I do what I want so if I want to spend money on you I will."

I finish eating and and start to get tired. Florian realizes and speaks

"Come on let's get you to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us. "

We started up the steps and he walked me back into three room I was in before.

"Is this your bedroom? It's really nice."

"Yes, for now you can sleep in here and I'll sleep in one of the guest rooms until we can get your room situated."

"No I don't want to take your room you can stay in here and I'll take a guest room. And I'm not taking no for an answer."

He just stared at me for a couple seconds, then spoke

"I'm not gonna argue with you on this, whatever I say goes. So your gonna stay in my room and I'm staying in the guest room. " He stated aggressively

I was a little scared so I just nodded and kept my head down. He guided me to the bed and laid me down.

"Get some sleep were going out tomorrow. "

I was so tired that after a couple seconds I was out like a light


When I tell you that bed is hella comfortable I wouldn't lie. I laid there for a couple minutes and heard the shower running. I was to comfortable to move, so I closed my eyes and rested.

After a couple minutes I heard to water cut off so I pretend to still be asleep.

"I know your up Amber. "

I opened my eyes to look at him. Whew Chile when I tell you that man is heaven sent. I couldn't help but stare.

"Is there something you like. "

After that I quickly got out of bed and ran into the bathroom and locked the door in embarrassment. I heard his laughter. I hate that I let him see me all go-go over him

I got in the shower and got washed. Once I was done peaked out the door and realized Florian wasn't in there any more and there was an outfit laying out for me.

I liked it it was cute and totally my style

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I liked it it was cute and totally my style.

I went downstairs and saw Florian sitting on the couch looking at his phone. He heard me coming so he looked up at me. He whispered something under his breath that I didn't catch.

He then stood up and walked towards me.

"Ready to go we going to your house first, then the mall, then I'm bring you back here cause I have a few things to do. "

I nodded and followed him out the door to his very expensive car. I felt weird sitting in it.

You would think that with everything happening that I would be more scared but I'm can't find it in myself to be.

After about 45 minutes we got to my house, the question of how he knew where I lived rang though my head. I don't remember telling him but I just let it go. A sat there for a couple minutes not really wanting to go in.

"Princess, you want me to go in with you? " The name took me out of my daze and I looked at him.

"You don't have to if you don't want to it shouldn't take to long I don't have to much. "

He didn't say anything after that but I heard him get out the car, came to my side opened the door for me and led me to the door. Once I opened it I was grabbed into a hug.

"Oh my god amber where the fuck have you been? I was calling ya phone, now you don't know how to answer? The fuck was you doing? And who the fuck is this? " My brother rambles

"Need I remind you I'm the big sister, I'm ok my phone died (lies it's broken) I went out last night lost track of time. This is Florian my trainer I'm gonna be staying with him for a little bit. You know better than me that I can't stay here no more. "

"What you mean? Where you fucking going? You just gon leave with this random ass man? And what about me, mom, the family? "

"Stop don't worry about me no more, and you know that lady don't give a rats ass about me so I'm leaving."

I started to move from the door, told Florian to wait for me. I walked upstairs with my brother on my tail. I go to my room and pack all my stuff.

Once I'm done I go back down stairs and Florian takes my bag. As I turn around to give my brother a hug my aunt/mom walks through from the kitchen.

"What the fuck is going on? Why in the hell is y'all making so mu6- oh hello you are one fine ass man"

I just rolled my eyes and walked to the door I don't have the time for her shit.

"Where the fuck is ya ugly fat ass going and with this sexy ass man non the less? Is that ya bag what you leaving, where the fuck you going don't nobody want you. If you walk out that door don't come the fuck back"

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