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Draco rolled over and tucked his wand safely below his pillow before he reached out for her.

"How is it that you always have your wand?" Hermione rose to her elbows, walking fingers down the deep grooves of his chest.

"Habit." It was muffled by her bushy head of curls that he buried his face into.

"You'd think it would be the same for me," she pondered in a soft whisper. "Since wands were so precious during the war especially for a muggleborn."

Draco pushed her hands away when they walked near his armpit. She sighed and walked them down the other way.

"You're deadly enough on your own. Wand or not. Some of us aren't so lucky."

Hermione scoffed. "I'd say that is true for you rather than me. Most everyone is still too terrified to speak to you, let alone hex you."

His eyes were closed and his breathing gentle. After they shagged, he always got tired. Holding back a devious grin, she started to reach back for the one spot he never, ever let her touch but just as her hand neared, it was snatched mid-air.

"Witch," he mumbled. He dropped her wrist away and locked her arm below his. "Granger, I was hexed all the time. Half the time, it was your friends that did it."

"Not without prompting."

He yawned. "I was an evil, little cockroach, alright? Now will you stop it?"

She fought as his hands tried to grab hers. She'd been so close to her target when he finally pinned her down.

"Why won't you let me tickle you?" She pouted, complete with her bottom lip stuck out. "Just once. All I want is once."

"Tickling is strange. I do not like it."

She huffed. "It's supposed to be fun."

"Only when I do it to you."

There was never any winning with Draco Malfoy. She pouted quietly, unable to stand the unfairness of it all, until he pulled her into a small spoon in front of his body. They fell into their usual rhythm as they laid. He rested his face near the heat of her neck, arms crossed over her chest as a shield, one leg over hers.

Draco fell asleep quickly. She thought she'd have to weasel her way out from underneath him to make it to her suite in time for curfew, but instead, the cloud of sleepiness danced overtop her mind, too. She was lost to sleep for hours.

She awoke to gentle kisses against her cheek. The smell of Draco and her was a welcoming cloud of heat.

"Mmm." She stretched out. "What time is it?"

It was very dark within the room. Only a dying ember stayed in the fireplace.

"I'd say about two or so," he answered softly.

She groaned. "Why'd you wake me so early?"

Her eyes shuttered close. It was too lovely in the thickness of his bed. She wanted to spread the rest of her night lost below the depths of the covers.

Hermione snuggled deeper into her heated cave of blanket but was unearthed once more.

"Hermione," he whispered in her ear. "I think it's time for you to take a bath."

"I don't need one. And I'm perfect comfy."

His lips caressed her cheek. "Come on now. It's already run. I'll help you."

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