~Chapter 4~

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I woke up later feeling Weightless, registering the warm hand as it held my back, and the cool, matalic appendage through my thin shorts. I wiggled around, turning as I snuggled my nose against the fabric. The intense country side dirt and smoke having my insides turn in pleasure.
"So who's-"
The probing, male voice was promptly cut of with a possessive growl, that's when I decided to let it be known I was awake. Saving the poor beta from the backlash as I reached a hand out to lightly grip his shoulder, drawing his cobalt blue eyes to mine. You would swear that I was the center of the universe with the way his eyes held mine, causing a raging blushed to consume my face. To only make matters worst, my eyes caught Steve settle beside us, smiling while he held in a laugh as my face only got redder. Causing me to wiggle nervously as I cleared my throat.
"James, put me down, it's embarrassing." I wined hating that even more people where filling into the room, but he held fast at my effort's, bending down to my ear as he purred.
"Only if you call me Bucky, doll."
A shiver went up my spin at his voice, a completely different emotion rushed through my body.
"F-fine, set me down....B-Bucky"
A silence doused the room, making me look anywhere but the two men, oblivious to the group of people standing on the side, watching their interactions. I sat still for a minute longer until I bunched my brows in irritation as his grip remained unfaltering. Looking up to his smirking face as I pouted, but he just laughed, pressing me closer.
"Now how 'bout you tell us your name doll."
My pout deepened as I narrowed my eyes. "You can't just change the requirements, that's cheating."
"Well honey~ it's only fair since you already know our names, or should I guess?"
I smirked, pressing down in his hold as my eyes lit up with the challenge.
"How 'bout I give you each", I looked over at Steve, who was intensely watching our banter, " three guesses. This is your second test."
"Humm, how about we raise the stakes." I glanced back to Steve, raising an eyebrow as I waited for his proposition.
"Buck and I will have a weeks time to guess your name, if we aren't able to, we have to do whatever you say for a day, and vice versa."
I looked up to Ja-Bucky for his imput, and he seemed pretty eager, so I let out a sigh.
"If I'm going to agree to this there's going to be rules. One, no threatening or bribing for information. Two, the winner will not himiliate or confuse the word 'no' for 'yes', and lastly, you have to meet my mama and the pups."
The last one wasn't really a requirement, I was grasping here. I didn't know how to act around an alpha, none the less my alpha's.
"We wouldn't resort to that anyway."
I smiled up at them, Steve had inched over, propping his head on Bucks shoulder. As he sat me down they each had a grin on their faces as they wrapped around me.
"So when do we leave?"
I bit my lip as they both asked in the same excited voice, trying yet failing to holding in my laugh. Bending over slightly as I let out a, rather loud, laugh, wiping a tear away as I caught their eager expressions.
"Well the kids get out of school in about another hour, so we would have to leave in about-"
"You have kids?"
I shamefully jumped, swurving around to face the room full of people. I yelped as I looked to the avengers. Seeing that it was none other than Tony fucken Stark that just asked me. My idol, the reason I made it this far, the omega that has paved the way for others with his success.
"Ok, I know i'm handsome and all, but I'm a mated man"
"Tony, she literally just met her mates, stop finding excuses to flaunt your bond." My gaze followed the voice to see Clint, or better known as Hawkeye, roll his eyes.
"Don't bother with them, they're always like this, and it doesn't help that Loki went off world with Thor again." I smiled at the red head as she extended a hand, ignoring the wearry stares directed to her.
"My name's Natasha, it's going to be nice having another omega in the tower."
"Another? I didn't smell another omega."
She removed her hand to rack a hand through her locks. "Well he's currently on a school field trip across the state, but enough of that, what about your children?"
I was vagually aware of everyone attention zeroing in on me, which made me a little nervous, shuffleing closer to my mates.
"Well before everyone gets the wrong idea"
"Too late", Tony interrupted, but I continued on as if he didn't
"They aren't mine by blood, I help run the omega shealter down town. So they are my pack-"
"Wait a minute", I looked over to Bruce who, just so happened to show up. I gave him a pointed stare which he raised his hands up in surrender. "Selene's fine, we just got caught up in a conversation, but what did you mean by 'your' pack?"
I knew it, they dont see me capable of leading a pack. "That's exactly what I mean." My carefree persona was gone, replaced with a firery rage as I swept the group. "I lead the pack, they chose me to be the alpha omega. Do you have a problem with it?"
I seethed out, my jaw tight as I pushed my mates behind me, letting them know that I was in the lead, and also taking the opportunity to test them once again. Expectantly, they passed, letting me push them to second place. Letting me take control of the situation.
"N-no I was-"
"Just making sure what you heard was correct? That an Omega, the lesser species, it able to lead 30 odd people without any qualms? That an alpha would see my worth as a person and not my biology?" I swept the room catching all their wide eyes.
"Come on Steve, Buck, we have more important matters to attend to. Pleasure to meet you."
I was fuming by the time I finally dragged the two into the awaiting elevator with me, never turning eye contact as the group really look....apologetic. Finally turning around when the door shut, needing the closeness of my chosen mates. Pulling them both down to my level so I could scent their neck glands.
A soft growl left their lips as they each mirrored my action, each on the sides of my neck to scent me, licking an alpha's claim down it as well.
"Don't let them bother you doll. They were just surprised."
Something about being in their arms had me opening my mouth before I could stop it.
"Are you disappointed? That I'm.....an omega."
They pulled me away, having me try to hide the tears in my eyes by looking down, ashamed, but they saw right through it. I felt a warm hand hook my chin, lifting my (e/c) eyes to his crystal blue.
"Of course not honey. It doesn't matter if your an omega, just like it doesn't matter that me and Bucky are both alpha's. We were made for each other."

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