The Sickness

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Jake's POV

"Will do!" I exclaimed. I got off Izzy's bed and went over and sat on mine. I took hold of one of my comics and began to read it. Izzy's bed is right across mine, so she is still in my sight. It's been an hour since she fell into a deep sleep. I finished reading my comic as I went over to Izzy's bed. Her childhood teddy bear was at the end of her bed, so I took hold of it and placed it in her arms. A couple of minutes later, she started to cuddle it in her arms as she began to smile. I started to smile as she looks so beautiful and happy. I started to stroke one of her pigtails. All of a sudden, Izzy woke up screaming in pain. I sat down right next to her as I took hold of her shoulders. She leaned into me with her rapid breathing while clutching onto her lower right side of her stomach, really tight.

"Izzy, what's wrong?!" I asked her, really worried.

"My lower right side of my stomach hurts, really bad. It really hurts!" Izzy exclaimed, as she closed her eyes, shut, really tight. I didn't know what to do, as she's never felt like this before. I saw Cubby and Skully rushing into the room.

"Jake! What's wrong with Izzy?!" Cubby asked me, as he and Skully rushed over.

"She says that her right side of her stomach hurts, really bad. I don't know what to do." I exclaimed, as I rubbed her back.

"I'll go and make her Hot Chicken Noodle soup. Maybe that will help her." Cubby exclaimed as he began to run down to the kitchen.

"What should we do if her right side gets even more worse than it is now?" Skully asked me.

"We will have to take her to the doctors as there might be something seriously wrong." I exclaimed, as I wrapped my arms around her even more. She began cuddle her teddy even more, which I could feel against me. It took half an hour for Cubby to make the soup but he came back with it on a tray. I helped Izzy sit up as I placed her teddy bear next to her. I decided to feed her, as her hands were too weak at the moment. Once I stopped feeding her, Cubby took it to the dishes. Izzy fell back into her bed, a bit too quickly as she puts her hand on her head.

"Izz, take it easy." I say, as I had her teddy bear on my lap.

"I don't feel well..." Izzy groaned, as she rolled about in her bed. I gave her, her teddy bear as she took it into her arms, all of a sudden, she gulped as she covered her mouth. Oh no, I think she might throw up. This is the second time, that she's thrown up.

"Izz, you don't look good..." I say, nervously as she didn't look well.

"I think I'm going to throw up..." Izzy gulped, as she covered her mouth.

"Skully, get the bucket!" I exclaimed, as Skully rushed to get the bucket. I quickly gathered her hair into my hands while Skully came back with the bucket with Izzy grabbing it off him. She began to throw up for ten minutes. Poor Izzy, once she was done, Skully took it off her as she relaxed her head against her pillow while curling up in her bed with the blanket over her.

"Oww...this pain...I can't take it anymore." Izzy groaned, as she clutched her stomach and I could see her face going pale and that's rare for her as she is quite tanned. It's just her skin tone colour. I put my hand on her forehead, to see if if she needs her temperature taken, again. She closed her eyes while I had my hand on her forehead. I quickly took my hand off her forehead, as her forehead felt even warmer. I'm going have to her a cool cloth for her forehead and to take her temperature again.

"I'll be right back Izz. I'm going to get a cool cloth and the thermonitor." I say, as she groaned while nodding. She coughed a bit and she winced in pain. Poor Izzy, if she coughs or sneezes then she is putting pressure on her right lower side stomach, which increases the pain. I don't know if we should take her to the doctors, as the pain could be something serious or it could be the stomach bug but she's never had any pain like this before. I gave her a box of tissues and she took one tissue out of it, and she coughed into it while lying down in her with the tissue loosely in her hand. It is so not fun watching her feel like this. I sighed and I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I quickly went to get the thermonitor and rinsed a cloth with cold water. I think something could be seriously wrong with her. I came back with the thermonitor and cool cloth. The first thing I noticed was Izzy looking pale and like she was dying. I ran over to her and she groaned while I sat down next to her. I put the cool cloth on her forehead.

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