Almost immortal

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We just stand there, looking at each other. My body were shaking and I dropped the plates I was holding. They broke into a small pieces on my legs. I jumped a little bit and I got my attention back to it. It didn't move

"H-hello?" I said scared

"It's all going to end soon, don't bother trying to stop us or you'll regret" It said and disappeared as it appeared, unexpected

I looked at the pieces of broken glass and took the broom. Luckily my legs weren't hurt, but strangely cold. Later I threw the glass and looked at the place where it was standing again.
Probably I'm going insane is what I thought. I turned the lights off and went to see how's gizmo doing.

The creature was weirdly familiar...

"Hey buddy, I'm sorry for leaving you here, you aren't mad, are you?" I said opening the door for my room seeing him sleeping on the bed.
I sat on the bed and looked at the window, it was a dark night. But something was off, I felt it. Some things appeared in my mind, when Megan was trying to tell me about one creature haunting this building, when Larry told me he saw it in the elevator and when I saw it in my room, right where I was watching then. The same as.. This one. Of course! It was the red eyed demon! How did I forget about it? I felt a big hole in my memories, something missing. I tried to remember what but I got only headache, strange one. Did he have something with it? More I thought more painfully it was getting. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't all night.


Sal: Probably they tried to delete my memories, but something went wrong. After all they wanted to destroy the world or maybe a part of it. I still can't understand why.

Dr Enon: But who are they, Sal? You are not telling me everything.

Sal: Devourers of God, the old church is a entry point of the main tremple. After ash found out by hearing two from the cult in there she told us, I am something special, the one who can stop them. But now I can do anything to help it, you may think of me as crazy, but I'm not. I'm saying the truth, there's no reason to lie.

Dr Enon: No one out of this room is going to believe in this, Sal and you know it. Even if you are saying the truth right now everyone is going to think that's a lie, they are all against you. I'm sorry, Sal, but

Sal: You think so too, right? The only reason you are here is because that's your work. You don't give a shit about this

Dr Enon: I'm here to prove your innocence no matter if you want it or not. I can as well go and tell them you are a waste of time and you should be killed, but I'm not doing it. Don't put it all on me because any of this is my fault. Don't forget what we are doing here.

Sal: I'm really going insane, am I?

Dr Enon: You know the answer of this

Sal: ...

Dr Enon: I still feel like you are hiding something from me

Sal: I told you everything

Dr Enon: If we don't trust each other then  what's the matter of this all? I'm being annoying, but today is your last chance and you know it better than anyone else

*Phone rings*

Sal:... Go to the tree house, you'll understand everything. Please go!

*the guards take sal away*

* * *

So how are you feeling day before your execution? Do you believe you might go free? Do you regret killing the people? After all of this do you see any reason of being alive? What's the feeling not having anyone to love you? Do you feel guilty about it?

I listen to the questions the reporter is asking me. I'm sick of this, I'm sick of being me. Fuck, why did everything had to turn this way?

" I don't regret doing this" I hear few little gasps from the public and see lots of bad looks on me.  "It had to be done"

"Of course it did, what did you say, the building manager said you must set the souls free, right? I'm sure that's the truth" The reporter smiles at me, but not with the warm type of smile.
I don't say anything.

After Enon comes everything is going to be okay, he's gonna prove my innocence after he meets Larry. I continue repeating this, but I don't believe it myself. Just don't loose hope, sal, like your mother have told you. The better part of being killed is that the family will be finally together again. After everything I've been through the death doesn't seem so scary. I've already felt stronger pain, so what's going to be one little push to the immortality? Thinking about it, it's not going to be so bad to die. No more pain, no more fear, no more people to loose. If there's heaven, this must be it. So ironic.

"What are your thoughts of tomorrow?"

My thoughts? It's like a trap that you can't ever escape from. I don't know what's worse, when there are bunch of emotions or when there's nothing. Man, I'm so fucked up. I really don't regret doing what I did because I know it was for the good. Lately I think if my mother is watching me and what she's thinking of me. People always say 'is your 10 years old version going to be happy with what you are now?' Definitely not. Kids can't understand this, eh, seems like no one does. Only of there were a chance to. Life isn't fair. It have never been. The reason I was born is to save the world, which I absolutely failed. Does it mean my life is a waste? I can't blame it.

"I'm excited."

* * *

I sit on the bed in the prison cell and look through the window. There was a big cloud covering the moon. It felt suffocating. I haven't seen Dr Enon after I told him to go to the tree house. I hope everything is alright. The only thing left for me is the hope. It might kill me as well. I take off my prosthetic and look at it. I see the little smile face on the bottom. I remember when Ashley drew it few months ago.

Ashley... If I could see her again. I miss her so much. And everyone else. She's one of the best people I've ever met and the only one who keeps believing me. I imagine if I wasn't the chosen one. My mother would be alive, my face wouldn't be fucked, my and my friend's life would be so much greater. Maybe the next life. If there's something like this.

"TURNING OFF THE LIGHTS" I hear and lights turn off

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