Earth Mission

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(Yes I know this took forever)

[Third Person Pov]

[About a week later]

Peridot and 9 were walking around Homeworld.

9: We've done everything for today, and once the warp pad is repaired, we should be able to warp to it from anywhere. In the mean time........

He stopped walking.

9: ......I don't really do anything in my spare time....I have no idea what to do.

Peridot: Why don't you add more upgrades to your limb enhancers? That's what you usually do.

9: I have no more necessary upgrades to make.

Peridot: Oh...well, want other missions?

9: No, I have literally nothing to do.

Peridot: ....You could.....accompany me....

9 slowly turned to Peridot.

9: ....And do what?

Peridot: What we did earlier, talk.

9: Hm, you seem...quite keen on being around me.

Peridot blushed and frowned.

Peridot: T-Think nothing of it. I just want to know my partner better t-that's all....

9: Ha ha. Well, I suppose I have nothing else to do. What would you like to talk about?

Peridot: ...You.

9: I...beg your pardon?

Peridot: I'd like about you 9. Like I said, I want to know my partner better.

9: You sure there isn't another reason?

Peridot: S-Stop teasing me! Clod!

9 chuckled a bit, still not smiling.

Peridot: Do you want to or not?

9: ....Heh, fine, ask me anything. Within reason obviously.

Peridot: Well...what do you think of me? Be honest, I can take it.

9: You're a brat.

That made Peridot a little angry.

9: But, you are smart, and confident, in you're own way, and...I won't lie, you are nice to look at.

Peridot chuckled teasingly, making 9 blush.

9: It's just a compliment.

Peridot: Was it?

9 blushed deeper.

Peridot: Nyeh heheh! You cant handle your own tactics!

9: ...And that's what I found strange about you Peridot.

Peridot: Me? I'm not strange! You're the defective gem here!

9: I know. It's just that, you insult me often...very often, but, yet you still want to be near me. Even of it is just business, it's...perplexing.

Peridot started blankly at 9.

Peridot: I...don't quite understand it's a...strange feeling for me aswell.

9: I guess that's something I like about you.

Peridot: Huh? Like?

9: You aren't as predictable as other gems, I thought you'd be like the other Peridots I've worked with in the past. But unlike them, you're at least trying to get along with me. You...actually....

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