Small Talk

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(JakeALeg and CorruptedDiamond get shout outs for correctly guessing my age(16) go follow them right now.)

[Third Person Pov]

Yellow Diamond: I am very...very disappointed in you 9.

9 stood there, trying to keep a serious face.

9: I understand my Diamond, I-

Yellow Diamond: I did not give you permission to speak.

9 shut his mouth and started shaking a little.

Yellow Diamond: Do not disappoint me again, IS! THAT! CLEAR?!

9: Y-yes, m-m-my Diamond.

Yellow Diamond: Good, you know what happens if you do.

9 nodded rapidly.

Yellow Diamond: Leave, your next assignment is on your tablet.

9 nodded and left the room.

9: *sigh* I won't tell Peridot about this, she'll-


9: Sigh.

He looked at Peridot


9: What's embarrassing, is that you act like a child...and without those limb enhancers, you look like one.

Peridot blushed and angrily stomped her foot down.

Peridot: I do not!

9: Keep telling yourself that. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Peridot rolled her eyes. His laugh was always weird to her, not the way he laughed but more the fact he doesn't even crack a smile when he does. She hasn't once seen him smile, she's starting to wonder of he even can. He always had a serious look on his face.

Peridot: Look, 9, we may have gotten of on the wrong gravity connector, I am willing to build our relationship if you are.

9 just scoffed.

Peridot: *sigh* Very well, are you aware of our next mission?

9: We are simply going on a maintenance check for ships, should be easy.

Peridot: Very well, lead the way.

9 gestured Peridot to follow him, and the two set out for their mission.

~~~Ship Dock Bay

9: That one checks out.

9 and Peridot were at the ships making sure they were functional. They only had one more to go. They went inside.

9: Let's get this over with.

He used his limb enhancers to raise himeself high as Peridot stayed low. Peridot pressed a few buttons.

Peridot: Systems was your day 9?

9 stopped what he was doing and looked at Peridot. Peridot stopped and looked at him. There was a long moment of awkward silence before 9 just went back to work. Peridot frowned and went back to her work.

Peridot: (If he doesn't want to talk, so be it.)

Then, she heard 9 come down. She looked at him and was a little surprised, his face looked less serious. He looked up at her.

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