*~Chapter 12~*

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Angel got up once Husk was gone. He changed out of his night wear and back to his usual. Once his boots were on he picked up his phone and texted Cherri. Before she had left they talked about going shopping for a bit today. He was going to let Charlie know he was heading out to hang with his girl buddy. The demon spider happily put his phone in his pocket after letting Cherri know he'd be on his way to meet her soon, then headed into the lobby.

When he got down there, he noticed something was wrong with Husk. So he walked over to the bar,"Hey Husky, ya doin okay?"

"Fuck off," the cat growled at him. Angel looked concerned,"You're drinking pretty heavily right off the bat, are ya sure I should just leave?"

The white demon went to reach out to cup Husk's cheek, just to be yelled at,"I SAID FUCK OFF YA DAMN WHORE!"

Angel immediately pulled back. He felt his heart racing in a panic. Did he say something wrong? Had he gone too far by kissing Husk this morning? Everyone else's attention turned to the two. Alastor's smile gave off a wicked aurora. "Is everything okay you two?," Charlie asked as she walked up to them. "Uh, yeah....everything's fine. I'm going to go out for a bit. Cherri and I made plans so...," the spider answered. "That's fine, but you better not get into any trouble and no doing drugs!," the princess ordered. "No promises," Angel remarked as he walked to the door,"Cya later."

Once out the door, the white spider sighed. What made Husk blow up on him like that? He seemed okay when he left his room, so why is he pissy now? Shaking his head, Angel started to walk into town. He didn't have time to dwell on the matter, he had to meet up with Cherri.

"Hey Angie!," Cherri greeted him as he walked up to her. "Hey," he sounded a little gloomy. "Something wrong? It's not like you to be upset when ya see me.," she stated as they started walking down the sidewalk. "Remember how I told ya about Husk...and how I really really like him?," he asked, keeping up with her as they walked. She nodded, so he continued,"I think I blew my chance to ever get with him."

"What?! How?!," the cyclops was in disbelief. With a heavy sigh, Angel started to explain how things went, starting with last night a few hours after she had left, all the way to what happened to this morning. The explanation was long, and it felt like the spider was rambling due to being upset by Husk's sudden switch in attitude towards him, but she got the jest of it. She didn't like seeing her friend so torn up though, so she gave a playful nudge,"Hey now, enough sad shit for a bit okay? We're supposed to be having fun here."

"Sorry," he gave her a small smile in return.

"Come on, lets go to this little boutique down in town, I saw a dress there that would look fucking amazing on you!," Cherri grabbed his right hand and started leading him down to the little clothes shop. She always knew what kinda stuff he liked so he was actually a little excited.

At the hotel though, Husk was downing that liquor so fast to the point it even concerned Charlie. "Husk, is something the matter?," she asked. "Nothin' is fuckin' wrong so stop fuckin' asking!," he growled out. She backed up a bit,"Okay okay, I won't ask again. I'm just worried, you never drink this kinda stuff this early." He rolled his eyes in annoyance,"Well maybe I felt like doing something different for once."

Not wanting to get chewed out anymore, Charlie quickly retreated to another area of the hotel, Vaggie was behind her so this just left Alastor. The radio demon stared at Husk, seemingly amused,"My I didn't think you'd blow up on the spider. But I guess I should have expected that, after all, one must protect their fragile heart by breaking another."

The cat hissed and threw the now empty liquor bottle at the other. Alastor dodged it, laughing as he did so,"Missed me. Wanna try again?"

"Fucking bastard! Stop with this teasing bullshit! And I ain't breaking no one's heart! So shut the fuck up," Husk growled. He knew the radio demon was getting a kick outta his misery and he hated the guy for it,"I'm not some fuckin' toy that you can keep fucking around with!"

"Hmm? Who said you were?," Alastor asked, he walked closer to the bar. Husk pulled out another bottle of some type of liquor,"It doesn't have to be told ya jackass! It's written on your fuckin face!"

The red haired demon laughed once more,"Well as mildly entertaining as this is, I must take my leave. Oh Niffty!" The little cyclops showed up immediately as she was called,"Yes?"

"Husk broke a liquor bottle, can you clean it up darling?," he asked, leaning down to be more at her level. She looked around until she spotted the mess,"Yeah."

He stood up straight and looked back at Husk, smiling. Damn that smile. It was annoying, taunting him every chance it got. It wasn't long for the radio demon to turn on his heels and walked off, humming his usual tune.

"Wow...," Angel was looking at himself in a gorgeous, silky, pale pink dress. It hung off his shoulders a bit, and has a small slip that went up to his thigh so he could stick out his leg. Cherri smiled,"Wow, indeed. Angel you look hot!"

The spider demon grinned,"Ya think Husky would like it?"

"Dude, if I was that bartender and saw you walking in with that on, I'd totally fuck ya," the cyclops laughed a little. Angel laughed as well. Cherri always knew how to make his day a bit better. "Thanks babe, I think I'll get this then," he laughed a little as he said that. He went back into the dressing room and slipped the dress off. He looked at it sadly. He wanted to impress the cat somehow. Call him silly or desperate or whatever you may have it, but he was really falling for that grumpy, foul mouthed, heavy drinking, cat. He didn't mean to fall for him really, but weirdly enough, Husk is his type. The cat always gave off this stand offish-most of the time flat out mean exterior, but he knew deep down Husk is nothing more than a big softy.

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