To Percy, this very much reminded him of Leo. Except Captain Marvel felt like he had also overdosed caffeine. "Yeah. I am pleased to meet you as well Sir." He finally managed to speak, interrupting the very eager and cheerful superhero. "Can you now please stop shaking my hand?" In all the mess, Captain didn't notice that he kept shaking Percy's hand.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I got a little bit carried away..." He immediately backed away and looked guilty.

"No problem. I get it." Percy gave him a smile, which luckily cheered the muscular superhero. "So... May I know what brought you here? Do you have some mission for us?"

"Oh no! Missions are not my gig. I just had a free per... Some free time and decided to come visit. I quite like this place."

"Hi Cap. Do you have a mission for us?" Wally zoomed in, followed by Artemis, Dick, Conner and Megan. "Please tell me there is something to do. I am eager for some action." He zoomed to the kitchen and returned with jar of cookies, already half-empty. Robin could swear it was full only this morning. "Cookie?"

"Oh yeah!" Captain Marvel took five and started eating them all at once, throwing the crumbles all over the floor, which grossed all the girls and some boys out. Zoe definitely added this one to the 'worst males met' list. At the moment he was pretty close to Heracles. "An sably no. yssyos ae no ay gyg" He said... after he stuffed his mouth with another seven cookies. (And sadly no. Missions are not my gig)

"Comeon! Since Batman was removed from running this team, we don't get anything. It's like the league tries to keep us away from action." Robin moaned.

"I get you bro. I just woke up from longest nap yet and I don't even get any action." Wally joined his friend. "You could think the League does not trust us!" He sent Marvel and Canary a meaningful glare.

"If mission comes, you will know. For now better to prepare for what might come." Black Canary spoke diplomatically.

"You guys get that you are not contract-bound to do hero stuff only on this team, right?" Percy chimed in. "I mean I am with the team first, but I also need to do something in my free time."

"Besides watching old TV shows?" Zoe asked playfully.

"At least I don't try to fix history books." He responded with a grin.

"Not my fault they are all wrong and written by male mortals." She said with a pout.

"Okay. Easy there love birds." Artemis spoke. Before Zoe had time to choke her, she continued. "Thing here is, most of us aren't billionaires with fake school diploma. We still have school... or some of us need to work. Arrows aren't exactly cheap, you know?"

"Guess you may..." Percy was interrupted when Zeta Tube lightened up.

Recognized: Zatara 1-1

The magician then walked to console and pressed some buttons. The speed made it impossible to see what he did there, but soon enough robotic voice spoke again.

Access granted. Recognized. Zatanna Zatara A0-3 Authorization: Zatara 1-1

"Zatanna, this is the Team" He spoke while the mysterious person slowly materialized into the room.

The the tube appeared a young girl around robin's age. She wore a uniform consisting of white, button up shirt, dark blue skirt and even darker blue blouse with sleves ending around her elbows. She also had a dark blue bolo tie. When she stepped into the light, her medium length black hair and bright cyan colored eyes became easily visible. She had a rather slender build.

"Team. This is my daughter, Zatanna." The magician introduced the girl.

M'gann flew over to greet her. "Hi. I'm..." when she was about to give her name, Dick jumped in front and interrupted her.

Hero's Journey (A Percy Jackson X Young Justice Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now