2| Cotton Covered Bruises

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December 31st -4:00 pm.-
[Central Gym]

Albert 💫

I didn't know what to do the guy was heading right for me.
As long as he doesn't get my face, the most noticeable part when I get hurt, then I'm fine.
I'd have to defend myself.
I thought about it twice, and I'm not really the kind of person that likes to tolerate pain and unsuccessfulness.
The guy punches me right in the stomach as I fall back.
It hurt a whole lot but I managed to get up.
He aimed for the same area again but I was smart enough to dodge it a second time.
"Why you little!" The guy was furious.
He really wanted to hit me.

Lana stood there still and quiet.
Not an inch of her body moved it was like she was also willing to let this happen.
The guy punches me in the shoulder.
I grab my shoulder and mumble,
"That'll leave a mark."
"Huh? SPEAK UP!" He said.
"Listen I don't want any trouble." I say, gulping down my fear.

He pushes me on my stomach and kicks me in the back.
I coughed and tried to get up but his foot stomped me back down again, pinning me down.
I struggled to breathe as he goes in for another punch.
I close my eyes.
Is this it?
Do I have to use it..?

Just then my phone loudly buzzed on the workout bench where I had left it,
distracting the guy from his punch and making him miss the back of my face.
His foot-grip on my back loosened from him being distracted.
I rolled out and stood up grabbing my phone.
A call from Kirsten.
I started running towards the exit and the guy chased after me.
He was obviously faster than me so I looked behind me to see if there was anything I could hit him with.
I closed my eyes and levitated a punching bag up then back down right in time, knocking him sideways before he could even reach me.

Albert 💫

I hopped in my car and drove away, panting and wiping more sweat off of my forehead.
I tried to gather in my head everything that had just happened.
I took down the front view mirror, no cuts or bruises on the face so no one will know this happened.
I grabbed the hoodie I changed out of and put it over myself.
When I arrived home I grabbed my gym bag and walked inside.

"Hey." Kirsten smiles at me as she flees from what she was doing.
"Hey babe." I hugged her as she did to me.
Her grip aches the forming bruises on my back and stomach. I just winced a little.
The dogs came over and sniffed my shoes, wagging their tails.
"You look a little warn out." She puts her hand in my forehead.

"I'm fine I might of worked out a little too hard today." I scratch the back of my head nervously.
She chuckles and sits back down on the couch unpausing what seemed to be The Office.
I was really tired and I had a trip to go to tomorrow so I decided it was best for me to make a couple videos, eat, then sleep in.

•6:30 pm•

"NO!" I smashed my keyboard.
You're dead. Appeared on the screen.
"Yeah you're all just a bunch of noobs." I say in my normally sassy voice.
"Well let me know if you guys, like- want me to play this again."
"I probably won't because of the anger it has caused me." I say as my voice develops into a laugh.
And I was finally done.
I had just finished filming 2 videos.
Walking into the kitchen to grab a quick snack I had saw Kirsten making some dinner.

"Hey Albert." She smiles at me stepping away from the pan of sautéed vegetables.
Her smiles were always very contagious. Slowly but surely her smile reflected onto my face.
"Hi." I hug waist her as she goes on.
"I found this new recipe on Pinterest, it's supposed to leave you wide awake in the morning so I thought I'd make it for your big day tomorrow." She says.
"Thanks babe." Give her a kiss as she goes on to cooking again.
I walked over to the couch and pulled out my phone, checking Twitter.

"Super excited to meet other Roblox YouTubers!! Lot's of pics coming later lol."

- Posted from Jayingee

I laughed to myself, I might as well say something too.

Jake ☁️

I hit my alarm clock and sit up.
3:00 am.
I stretch and let out a yawn.
I thought I'd check on twitter to see if anybody else going on vacation with us wrote something.

Aside from sketch who wrote:
"Vacation w/ Roblox fwends starts tomorrow."

And Ethan who wrote:
"New Roblox squad for life!"

I scrolled down to find myself on Albert's page.
I was in shock that he wrote something.

It read:
"I can't wait to go meet a bunch of NOOBS at Texas 😌"

I scrolled down to see that Sketch and Denis replied.

Sketch wrote:
"No u."

And Denis wrote.
"Can't wait to see you too bert."

I chuckled at it.

I rush to the bathroom, brush my teeth, gel my hair and wash my face.
I change into some comfy clothes and was on my way out.
I had already called an Uber to take me to the airport but they came 20 minutes late.
I hopped in the Uber that crossed my driveway.
"Where to?" A girl with medium length silver coated hair asks as she adjusts her rear view mirror to eye me.
From a back view, she was wearing a black fleece, light washed jeans and her hair had stayed down and unnoticeably unbrushed.
Her voice was oddly familiar.
My earbuds had been in so I wasn't able to really recognize it.

"Port Columbus International Airport." I said.
She pulls out her phone to open her gps, but then a look of realization crossed her face.
"Oh what a coincidence I just drove somebody there right before you so I know the way to go."
I faced towards the window and thought to myself.
This is it, Texas and friends here I come.

It's Simple -Jalbert- (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now