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DEAR Harry,

I am most certainly not exaggerating. You fought harder then any of us for our freedom and believe me when I say we thank you for it.

Sorry for my lack of manners, I'm just a bit... odd. You know me, by the way. In the real world. Not much, but we've spoken over the years.

I promise you that I have no idea where that stamp came from, I'm not exactly the type of person to keep Ravenclaw memorabilia.
Someone is definitely messing with me, I just can't think who.

I actually find it kind of funny you still rely on your best friends, though I can only imagine Hermione's not very happy about your codependance. Or, in other terms, your lack of independence.

Sincerely Y.S.A (Your secret admirer)


In case you're thinking it, no, Mr Freddie was not named after the infamous Hogwarts prankster, may he rest in peace. In case you haven't noticed yet, gingers aren't my type.

I don't feel really inclined to tell you why I called Mr Freddie Mr Freddie, you're going to have to earn it. I will say this though,
Freddie Teddy.


Dear Ysa,

I hope you don't mind, but I'm just going to call you that until I know otherwise.

I don't think I fought the hardest, but thank you anyways. It's still all so surreal to me that I have a secret admirer, I feel like I'm gonna wake up one day and it'll all be just a dream.

We've met? I don't know many Ravenclaws. There was Cho Chang back in fifth year, but she's already left. I doubt you're Luna Lovegood. You said over the years, so that rules Mya Corner out. Unless you're a guy? Like I said, I really don't know.

I don't think you're neccsarily odd, just somehow confident and awkward at the same time.

It's really weird about this whole stamp thing. Do you think, maybe, somebody mistook it as their own letter by accident? I think that's possible. And, I am not codependant. I just like having my friends input.

By the way, Hermione adores me.

Sincerely Harry Potter


I actually did notice gingers weren't your type. I refuse to give up on the mystery of Mr Freddie so quickly. Can I have another hint?


Dear Harry,

The name thing is fine. I've actually called myself that a few times over the past two weeks.

If I hear you doubt yourself and your awesomeness one more time I may feel so inclined to tell everybody that you have a secret admirer and then you shall be tortured with popularity once more.

And the listing off of the Ravenclaws... you really need to get out there more. Also, I can confirm I am a female. Always have been, most likely always will be.

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