Where There's Smoke...There's Fire

Start from the beginning

"His parents must be real proud." he said sarcastically. If he knew Summer and Matt, he'd change his tune real quick. The more I speak with them, the more I wish my Dad was like Matt, Mum and Summer are very similar.

"When did you meet him?" he asked, seriously?

"At Ash's wedding. She married his brother." I said as I remembered the first time we had sex, in the bathroom at the reception. I wanted him as soon as I first saw him, there was just something about him that my whole body craved. The whole night, I couldn't keep my eyes off him and he was the same.

"That reminds me, I have to catch up with Quentin." he said now relaxing a little, his back now against the couch and his leg resting over the other. Dad and Ash's Dad, Quentin are old friends. I closed my eyes for a minute as they felt heavy but they soon opened up when the door squeaked and Mum walked in with two bags of food. And from what I can smell already, she went and got some Chinese. My stomach grumbled as I licked my lips, I'm also very hungry.

"I hope you never upset her whilst I was gone Henry." Mum scolded Dad as she walked past him and placed the bags of food on the coffee table. I was about to say that he made me cry but he Dad shot me a look and then put on his good boy act for her.

"No, we were just talking." he smiled and then opened one of the bags and placed the containers on the table. I frowned as I looked at the door, where's that idiot brother of mine?

"Mum? Where's Jordan?" I asked her as she passed me something that smells a lot like my favourite plum spare ribs. My Mummy does know me very well. I craved these the whole time I was back home, still do. They're more fun eating with Jace though.

"Talking to some girl he met down in the lobby." she said like it was no big deal. Typical man whore, fucks anything that walks.

"More like fucking." I mumbled as I opened the lid and taking a deeper breath to smell all the goodness. The looks I just got from both Mum and Dad made me laugh. Dad even said himself that his son was a slut.

"Enough of that, eat." Mum ordered as she handed me a fork. It didn't take me long to polish off the entire container plus half of another that was filled with fried rice. Bubs must have enjoyed as he was kicking up a storm. We made small talk as we ate and it was nice to just be not talking about Jace and being attacked with all those stupid questions. It was about an hour later that Jordan had decided to come back.

"Out catching Ghonnarea again, were you?" I asked with a smirk as I swept my eyes over him. His shirt was buttoned up wrong and his fly was still down. There was even a wet stain on his crutch. Maybe he jizzed in his pants before it even got that far.

"Fuck off Mac, I've never had that." he said but he avoided looking over to Mum as she frowned. Liar! He just never told the rents that he contracted an STI, that was about five years ago. Serves himself right for dipping in someones dirty twat.

"Jordan Louis Patterson, you better not be lying." Mum warned him and he still avoided looking her way. Dad was shaking his head and he could tell that his son had just lied.

"Leave him Sarah. If he wants his dick to fall off, that's his problem." Dad said as he cleaned up the empty containers, Jordan scowled at me before sitting beside me. I burst out laughing, oh that was good. Mum was still looking at Jordan and then when she walked past him, clipped him across the back of the head.

"Sort yourself out. It's time you found a nice girl and settle down, you can't keep sleeping around every week and catching diseases." Mum was furious at him, he looked my way and sent me a death glare. At least that'll give them something else to talk about for a while. I'd faint the day my twenty five year old brother settles down, I've seen his little black book.

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