Chapter 1

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All the Charming's were at Granny's. Regina, Robin, Ruby, David, Mary Margaret, Killian, Emma, and most importantly Henry.

They were all reading from Henry's storybook, enjoying the last memories they had

" she ( Snow ) ran away and was living on a farm " Ruby said

" oh it sounded like a peaceful life at the same. Leave everything and everyone behind " Mary Margaret said with a bit of regret.

" like mother like daughter " Hook said with sass. Killian always seemed to make things worse for everyone expect himself.

" Hook! " Emma snapped

" what is he talking about?! " Henry asked, afraid they'd go back to New York.

" uh should we read more stories.... " David said hoping to change the subject

" Actually I'd like the know what the pirate is talking about " Regina said with Robin on her side

" it's nothing! " Emma said wanting to change the subject more than ever

" are you planning on going back to New York? " Regina said with intimidation.

" Why would we go back to New York?! " Henry said with confusion and concern. To him Storybrook was his home.

" you're not! Right Ms. Swan? " Regina said with a weird but welcoming smile.

" Actually it's complicated " Emma said trying to deny it.

" WHY WOULD WE LEAVE? This is our home! " Henry said

" I know this isn't the time or place - " Emma said before Regina cutting her off

" Actually it is! "

" No it's not! " Emma said storming out of Granny's

Henry came running after her with his book, until he finally caught up to her.

" Mom? Are we really going back to New York? Leave everyone behind again? " Henry said storming in

" Henry I said it's complicated. Please go back to Granny's I don't really feel like talking about this now. "

Henry took out his storybook " Take this, it will help remind you where you belong. Which is here. Either way I'm not going to New York. "

" Don't you care about your family? About anyone in this town? "

" Kid, of course I do. I just have to do what's right for us. "

" Mom... " Henry said as they both turned back and saw Regina time portal

" What is that? " Emma asked

" Zelena's time portal " Henry said as they both kept running toward it.

" Mom we need to go! " Henry said

" Wait I need to see what that is " Emma said

Henry pushed Emma out of the way as he fell through the time portal, and found himself in The Enchanted Forest.

(( I know for a regalbeliever fic this chapter has lots of swanbeliever, but I just needed to set up the whole plot line first so I apologize for that and I hope you enjoy this story (: ))

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