Chapter Six: Hogwarts Express.

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August was the best month of the whole summer. Harry would go over to Mel's house much more often now that the Dursleys knew about her secret (she wasn't admitted in his house now), and they'd spent their afternoons reading their school books and talking about the things they would do when they arrived.

Although there was one thing Mel was afraid of: Mr. Dursley refusing to take Harry to the station.

Her mum could take both of them, but Harry insisted on asking his uncle first, a way to keep things civil between them.

Harry Potter, always polite.

She waited by her window on the night of August 31, hoping things would go smoothly. Soon Harry opened his and communicated that Uncle Vernon was in fact, taking him to the station.

"But there's a problem," He frowned, "my ticket says nine and three quarters, yours says the same?"

"Yes. Probably a magic thing, I'll ask my mum tomorrow"

"But I don't... How..?" Harry mumbled, insecure.

"I'll wait for you on platform nine," She assured him, "that way you won't look for it alone, is that okay?"

"Yes," Harry relaxed, "see you tomorrow at the station"

"See you!"

The next morning her mum realized that the bags were still pretty much unpacked.

"Mel Dumbledore!" Emily yelled as she walked into the room, "Your things are all scattered and it's already eight o'clock! Get up!"

Mel got out f bed like a zombie, she had slept too little again.

"I'm sorry..."

"Get dressed! C'mon, we don't have all morning..."

Once fully dressed, her mum took her wand and waved it around the room.


All her things landed neatly on her trunk, in a matter of seconds, Mel had all her things ready.

"Nice!" The girl clapped happily, "Can I try that?"

"You know you can't," Her mother replied, "let's go, you have a train to take..."

Her mother seemed happier once they were in the station with the extra time at hand, rather excited, Mel would say.

"I told Harry that we would wait for him on platform nine, is that alright?"

"Sure," Emily looked around, "the Dursleys surely won't be helpful, we might as well wait... though we only have ten minutes, so let's hope he's not too late."

Luckily he wasn't. Mel found him next to the platform, chatting with a redheaded woman.

"He's there, mum!" Mel jumped excitedly, pulling her mother's sleeve.

"I see him, calm down," Her mother laughed, "go ahead, I'm right behind you"

Mel ran over to Harry, who was unaware of her arrival.

"Glasses!" She screamed the moment her arms wrapped around his neck, "You're here!"

"Hi," She moved away, surprised to see him blushing, "er- I was-I was about to..."

"Hi love," Emily smiled widely, "was the trip alright?"

"It was okay, thanks"

"Oh, are you relatives?" Asked the woman that was talking to Harry seconds ago.

Written In The Stars -[Harry Potter xFem!Oc]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora