4. America's New Hope

Start from the beginning

"How does it look?" he questioned referring to the costume. Lucy smiled stifling a small giggle.

"Looks good, Spangles," she replied. Steve smiled before pulling her into a hug.

"I don't think I can do this," he spoke as the music began playing. Lucy pulled out of the hug as she grabbed the shield while Jimmy walked over to Steve and began talking.

"Nothing to it," he said. "Sell a few bonds, bonds buy bullets, bullets kill Nazi's. Bing, bang, boom. You're an American hero."

"This is not how I pictured getting there."

"Senators got a lot of pull up on the hill. You play ball with us, you'll be leading your own platoon in no time. Take the shield." Steve pulled the mask over his head before taking the shield from Lucy.

"Alright, go," Lucy said as she pushed Steve toward the open curtain before pulling it closed behind him. She moved to the side of the stage to watch from the wing without getting into anyone's way. She hummed along with the song up until it ended. Steve stayed on stage for an applause before the curtains closed. He walked backstage to see Lucy. When he found her, the two began walking back to the dressing room he was assigned too.

"How was the show?" Steve questioned.

"I was great, Steve," Lucy replied.

"Was it obvious I was a little nervous?"

"A little?"

"I'm not used to talking in front of a lot of people, especially when it's practically the whole city."

"Don't worry, Steve. You'll get used to it."

"Hey, Rogers, Stark!" a voice from the other end of the hall called. The two looked behind them to see Jimmy making his way toward them. "Steve, there are some people who want to meet you. Even you Stark. The Senator wants to know if you'd like to be in the next show. He did mention it to the crowd."

"Uh, yeah, sure, I'll be in the next show if he already promised it to the people. As long as I get lines to speak... I'm not the singing type."

"Of course you'll get lines. Now, would both of you follow me." The two followed him to the lobby of the theater. Lucy held on to Steve's arm as it was the only way not to get lost in the large crowd. A few pictures had been taken of people with Steve while some autographs were written. When the last few people left, Steve made his way to the dressing room, too tired to look for Lucy. The Agent looked around the room looking for Steve.

"He went to his dressing room," Jimmy said as he noticed Lucy looking about. She nodded in thanks before making her way there. She knocked on the door, opening it after she heard Steve say 'come in.'

"Hey Spangles," she said pulling a chair over next to his sitting next to him. Steve looked at her and smiled before having it fade away. "Something wrong?"

"No," he replied subtly. "...Yes... I don't even know."

"Tell me about it."

"Well, besides missing Bucky, I guess in a way I miss me being... the little guy."

"I miss Bucky too. And the little guy. But this is a great thing for you, Steve. Your wish came true, minus the part with the performances."

"There's one other thing bothering me..."

"What is it?"

"Well... It's nothing."

"You sure?"

"Yeah... Guess it'd be better to mention it in the future."

More shows occurred, Lucy being in them gaining the title Lady Liberty as Steve had the title Captain America. It was now November of 1943. Lucy and Steve had gone to an American army base in Italy for Steve to give a speech to the soldiers. Both the Captain and Agent were dressed in their costumes. Lucy's happened to be similar to Steve's, though included more red than blue and excluded the mask. Everyone in the audience of soldiers was quiet as Steve spoke.

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