Episode 21: Ca-noodling (🇲🇽 ➤ 🇻🇳)

Start from the beginning

Kitty, Sammy, and I waved back to them with our own smiles, "Hey, Carrie!" I called to them with equal optimism... until I noticed Devin looking to the other way, "Devin, we're over here."

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" He then fell into the water, leaving Carrie shocked.

Emma only groaned again, "Let's hope the first superteam is really messing up."

I smirked as they were still in the waters trying to getting their first catfish, "Well, it looks like they're struggling to even get their first catfish."

"JACQUES! Get in here and NOODLE SOME FISH ALREADY!" Joseé commanded him while he was in the canoe holding gloves, "For the love of gold, IT'S JUST FISH. And take off those gloves!"

He put on his sparkling gloves and refused, "Never!"

We climbed in the same boat Carrie and Devin are in.

"So, any update from Devin?" I asked.

"Well, he's finally moved on from his breakup from Shelley but he still wouldn't listen to what I feel and think about him. And you know, Devin's been so sweet lately. If I didn't know any better, I'd think..." Carrie gasped. "No. I know longer read into every little thing that he does. Unless you think it means something."

"Trust me, love holds you back. It's best if you just push those feelings deep down inside and ignore them," Emma replied.

"Well, that. But also, you deserve to find someone who really appreciates you." Kitty replied.

"Hey, Carrie! I found a bucket of chum to attract the fish!" Unknowingly, the boat bumped into a rock which caused the bucket to slipped out of his hands and land right on top of Carrie's head, which made her frown.

"Feelings pushed down. Down. And they're gone," Carrie sighed.

Emma called us over to announce her plan, "Okay, superteam. There's probably some fish, right underneath us. So Kitty, Geoff, and Sarah, you cannonball of the stern to scare the fish toward Carrie, Sammy, and I at the bow and we'll do the noodling to catch them."

"Did you say..." Geoff began.

"CANNONBALL!" The three of us exclaimed, jumping into the water.

"That was awesome! Woo!" Geoff exclaimed, and we all laughed.

"So... Do we do the noodling now?" Kitty asked, and Geoff and I shrugged. They all began catching fish, and made great progress.

"Nice! Only two more to go, guys!" Emma exclaimed.

They got one more, and Carrie cheered. "That's six! We're done! I'll grab the judge." Carrie said, before swimming away. Sammy looked around.

"Hey, did anyone else notice we're minus one lover-boy?" she asked.

"I got one! I got one!" they all turned to see Devin struggling to pull something in. "Woo-hoo-hoo! Oh, boy do I got one!" he said and he pulled it.

"Sweet, throw it on the pile, dude, the more the merrier." Geoff said.

"You know, this Superteam alliance thing worked out pretty well. Should we make it permanent?" Kitty asked.

"Definitely," I said.

"We're in." Brody said.

"Sure." Devin added.

"Why not?" Sammy asked.


They then heard Carrie approaching with the judge, and she gasped when she saw that the fish were gone, with only a crocodile lying there. "Our fish?!"

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