Episode 15: Maori or Less (🇳🇿)

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Kitty and Sammy grabbed Emma's arms, "Got a sec?"

Emma smiled, "Sure thing, maids of honor!" She was pulled to the back of the cart.




"Is it just me or is Emma more focused on Noah than she is on the game?" *camera shifts to Emma*


"Okay, putting feelings aside and concentrating on the Noah-" *gets slapped by Kitty and Sammy* "-THE GAME! Concentrating on the game!"



After our train reached the destination ahead of schedule, we and the other teams piled out to the next Don Box. Unfortunately, this is part where Noah was flirting with Emma.

"I can't wait to post my review online: Got a death wish? This is the train for you!"

She laughed in response, "You are hilarious!"

I had a confused face, "I don't get it."

Kitty replied, "Probably best if you don't." She took the next tip, "It's an Either-Or: Jump Down or Jump Around."


Don's POV

"In today's Either Or, teams can either bungee jump down off the Kawarau Bridge and catch a local Maori fish with their bare hands or teams can jump around, to perform a traditional Maori haka. A warrior's challenge dance designed to terrify anyone subjected to watching it. It's effective. Once teams successfully complete this Either Or, it's a footrace to today's chill zone. Last team to arrive may be cut from the competition."


Sammy's POV

"Jump around/down." Noah and Kitty synced.

"Hm, okay it looks like our first family meeting." I'm sorry, I think I misheard that. Did you say family? Thankfully, her sister stepped on her foot, "Team! I mean, team meeting!"

"Come on. We both have slammin' dance moves," Kitty tried to convince her sister.

"Bungee jumping is on my bucket list... if I were lame enough to have one," Noah interjected.

Speaking of that, "Ooh, this is so tough. I never thought there would be so many factors to balance between you and-"

"JUST PICK ONE ALREADY!" I snapped with wide-eyes, "The third train's already here!" And speak of the devil, it pulled up in front of us.

Sarah groaned in frustration, "Fine, let's bungee jump!"

"Sweet," Emma was satisfied much to our dismay, "Meeting adjourned." We ran to the bungee jumping course, ready to get this challenge done. But we had to wait for the Haters who were taking a long time.

"Gee, you think?/You don't say." Kitty, Sarah, and I remarked.

"Steph just jumped. Hopefully, she gets a fish and it'll be our go. But we're probably still in last-"

Emma interrupted her sister as she and Noah were goofing around (It's weird because I thought Owen would goof around), "Bring your arm a little higher... okay, okay. Good, good, don't move. Can you take a pic of me a No-No?"

Sarah fake a joyful face, "Aw, it'll be a heartwarming picture of love and affection. Honestly, you don't see me and my boyfriend Rodney doing this."

I ran over to the Stephanie and Ryan, "What's taking you two so long? We really have to go!"

"I told you," They both were arguing with each other, "You were wasting time! You are so selfish, it makes me crazy."

"You're so slow it makes me sick!" Stephanie pointed to him.

Sarah grumbled, "I'm gonna go crazy if this doesn't end soon."

"Like angry crazy or Izzy crazy?" Owen asked her.

"BOTH!!!" she practically screamed.

At last, the Haters completed their challenge and it was finally our turn. Noah and Emma decided to jump together and were staring dreamily at each other until I interrupted them, "Jump already! And take separate bungee cords."

Noah sighed, "Okay."

Emma stopped him, "Wait! You can't jump by yourself Noah! We should try it together."

"That would be so romantic." So romantic I'm gonna throw up right now, "Like that movie about that couple up on the sinking ship."

She sighed in happiness, "I love that movie."

"I've seen it 700 times."




"Getting those two together during the competition maybe was a bad idea."


They strapped together on separate bungees like I commanded them. Key word: COMMANDED. I decided to tag along to keep them focused.

"Should we?" Emma asked.

"Could we?" Noah asked.

"We could... and should go."

"We are in a race.

"We're so close and... talk about our first kiss when we tell our kids."

"Um, guys!" Owen called to them.

"The game!" Kitty and Sky added.

"I'm jumping," Sarah sighed, deciding not to wait for them anymore. A second later they followed after her into the water. Thankfully, on the first try we were able to get the Maori fish.

Sarah's POV

And now, we were racing to the chill zone with the fish in our hands/head.

And on our run, Emma kept ranting on what name to call her fish, "I would call it Noah, but I just think it's not cute enough. Maybe Jake after my-ex. He called me too intense! Can you believe it?"

"Uh yeah. I know," I replied sarcastically before I got serious. "Listen, Emma. If you don't focus on the race, you'll lose the prize money and the guy of your dreams."

This made Emma gasp in realization.

We picked up the pace and came right after Father and Son where Don was waiting, "Cheerleaders, 8th place," Not too long after, the Sisters came after us, "Emma and Kitty, 9th place." The Reality TV Pros came at the chill zone last.

Should I warn you that this is the part where things get awkward or are you okay with it?

"I'm not sure what dictionary you use, but it's definition of 'alliance' is way off." Noah replied.

Emma sighed, "I'm sorry, Noah. This is what I was afraid of. I like you a lot, but I can't be with you... not on this show."

He gasped in shock and fell on the ground.

"Oh boy..." Owen and I picked him up.

"Reality TV Schmos," Sky smacked Don upside the head, "Hey, watch the hair! I mean Pros, you're in last. I'm afraid it's time to go..." Owen gasped, "...is what I would say if this was an elimination round, but it isn't! Congratulations, you're still in the game."

Phew. Close call... for the most part...

"Noah? Noah!" We slapped him and fell to the ground with a sad look still on his face plus a bruise.

This may be a problem...

📣 The Ridonculous Race: Cheer the Cheer 📣Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin