When you're hurt, it hurts me too- lonashipping

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This was a battle unlike anything they had ever been through. Even the Ultra Guardians themselves could not defeat this beast. Guzzlord. This fierce Pokémon rampaged through Alola, eating anything and everything in its path. It was the most powerful foe they had faced and they needed everyone's help.

They all fought as hard as they possibly could but even with everyone, there was still a lot of damage done. Not just to their Pokémon and land, but to them as well.

Now, everyone was exhausted and covered in a mixture of sweat, dirt, and blood. Most of them could hardly stand but they refused to give up.

"Everyone, fire at the same time!" Kiawe sounded.

All of them nodded and commanded their Pokémon to unleash their most powerful attacks. The moves merged together and hit with a massive explosion. Everyone waited, in hopes that this was over. That much power must have done a lot of damage.

However, when the smoke cleared, Guzzlord still stood strong and unleashed another powerful attack of its own. Huge mounds of debris flew up as it fired.

"Gladion, look out." Moon shoved him aside.

The sharp piece of stone struck her in the stomach. She hissed in pain and stumbled back a bit.

"Moon! Are you ok?" Gladion helped keep her steady.

"Yeah." Moon winced.

As much pain as she was in right now, this wasn't the time to worry. There was still an ultra beast to deal with and only Moon's Primarina, Lillie's Ninetales,

Gladion's Silvally were left standing. This needed to end.

"We won't last much longer." Moon breathed, wiping the sweat and some blood from her forehead. She turned to the last two trainers. "Let's finish this. One last shove and it will go in. I know it!"

The sibling nodded, their faces stern and full of determination.

"Brunet! Open the wormhole!" Gladion called.

Burnet nodded and opened the portal that lead to ultra space.

"Snowy, use Blizzard!" Lillie commanded.

"Silvally! Icebeam!" Gladion sounded.

The combined ice attacks did damage but also froze all its arms and its mouth. This left its weak spot open for the final attack.

"Primarina, moon blast! Full power!" Moon yelled.

Primarina formed a large sphere of the pink energy and fired it at the small head. With the powerful impact, the beast was sent back into it home. Burnet quickly closed the wormhole and suddenly everything was quiet again. The last trainers standing just stared off, still in disbelief.

"It's over." Lillie sighed in relief. "It's all over."

"Yeah." Moon muttered.

All the pain she endured from all her wounds and exhaustion. She clutched the bloody slash on her side and whimpered. It was all too much to handle anymore. She collapsed.

"Moon!" Gladion rushed to catch her. "Moon? Are you ok? Wake you!" He tried to shake her awake but she budge. That's when he noticed the gash. "Moon..."

"Gladion." Lillie placed a hand on his shoulder. "The ambulances are here. We need to get everyone in and to the hospital. That includes you." Gladion remained silent, his eyes glued on the girl in his arms. "Gladion."

"Right. Right." Gladion nodded.

Gladion carried Moon over to the waiting ambulances and helped the others.

Hours later, everyone was tended to at the hospital. Some were dispatched earlier and were able to go home, but others weren't able to just yet. Moon was one of those people. In fact, she was brought in for surgery.

Gladion was beyond worried. What if she wasn't going to be ok? What if, after everything, he loses her forever?

"Gladion, I know you're worried but you have to stop pacing. You need to rest and you are giving me a headache." Lillie stated.

"Sorry." Gladion sat down next to her. "I'm just...really worried."

"I know. We all are, but your friends are going to be ok." Lillie assured.

"But what if she isn't." Gladion whispered.

Lillie blinked in surprise.

"Are you that worried about Moon?" Lillie asked.

Gladion nodded. This was an even bigger surprise. Gladion wasn't one openly show affection to anyone outside the family. So what was it about Moon that made him care?

"Do you...like Moon?" Lillie questioned.

"No." Gladion answered. "I...I'm in love with her." He buried his face in his hands. "And this is killing me. She is hurt right now because she took a hit for me. It should be me in there, not her."

Lillie rubbed his shoulder in attempt calm him, but it did little to help.

"Are you the ones here for the champion?" A nurse asked.

"Yes!" Gladion jumped to his feet, ignoring the pain of the sudden action.

"I'm happy to report that she is out of surgery and is doing fine. She is awake now if you want to see her."

"Yes. I'd like to see her." Gladion replied.

"Than come with me."

He followed the nurse to Moon's room and she left him to be alone with her.

"Hey Gladion." Moon greeted with her bright contagious smile.

"Hey." Gladion couldn't help but smile back. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good for having a chunk of rock removed from by hip." Moon answered. Gladion winced. She should not be hurt like this. "What's wrong?"

"You. You should not be sitting in this hospital bed, in pain because you took a hit for something that I would have hit me. You should not me hurt like this." Gladion grumbled. "Why did you have just let me take the hit?"

"Are you kidding?" Moon questioned. "Gladion, look at yourself. A slash on your head, cuts along your arm. That huge one was from you protecting me. I couldn't stand to see you hurt anymore. You mean a lot to me, Gladion." She broke eye contact with him bas she continued. "Maybe this is just the stress of today but right now I don't care. I love you Gladion. I really, really do and when I see you hurt, it hurts me too."

Gladion smiled again as he stepped closer. He gently took her hands, causing her to meet his gaze.

"I love you too, Moon." Gladion admitted. "I have for what feels like forever." He gently pressed his forehead against hers. "I want nothing more than to keep you safe because you're right. It hurts me when I see you hurt."

Moon stared into his beautiful eyes as tears began to form in her own. She was truly touched and so happy. Especially after the craziness of the day they all just had.

Then, without any warning, she kissed him. Gladion smiled against her mouth as he kissed her back. All the pain they felt from the fight melted away as drifted into their own little word of pure bliss.

After that, the new couple always made sure to protect each other and even if they got hurt, the other would be there to make the pain disappear.


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