Cat Fight 🐈😼 In The Wolves Den 🐺

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"The original owners just one day decide to move out"  Yorgi says to Xander and Chanda as the three of them walk into the castle/mansion "this is amazing, man"  Xander replies quietly "make yourselves at home"  Yorgi says patting Xander on the arm then walking away Xander turns when he hears Kirill say softly to Yelena "let me get your coat"  Yelena fakes a smile and throws her coat off her shoulders Kirill takes the coat and sniffs it "aww puppy in love with kitty!"  Chanda teases sarcastically Xander chuckles then asks one of Yorgi's men who passes by them and stares at every inch of Chanda's body like it was a delicious piece of meat and he wanted to hump her bones and Yelena passes by pushing the guy out of her way "yo what's up with your boy? what's he got a coat fetish?"  the guy looks at Xander and replies "oh, no he's in love with her dirty fool"  then he makes a sound of disgust and walks away Xander leads Chanda over to one of the chairs he takes his coat off then they sit down on top of the coat.... with her on his lap of course.... they look around and observe all the half naked girls and everything else that surrounds them and hear the same guy that Xander spoke to say something in Romanian then roll a bowling ball at some probably priceless antiques "time for bed, X, Chanda it's getting early Yelena! would you kindly show them their room?"  they hear Yorgi say Chanda and Xander stand up and follow Yelena out of the room.... "not only does she need attention but she wants to be in control!.... I don't think she's getting enough!"  Chanda whispers Xander chuckles as they follow Yelena down the hallway towards the room that was picked just for Xander to stay in "after you"  Yelena says leaning up against the door "no after you"  Xander replies standing behind her with his arm around Chanda "no after you"  Yelena says Chanda walks out from under Xander's arm into the room muttering softly "what a bunch of children!"  Xander chuckles with a smile and follows her in Yelena rolls her eyes and follows them in stomping her feet the whole way just like she has been since she caught them in HER "need to be alone and pout" room in the club "either she's heavy footed or really bad at walking in heels!.... I do wonder where she got that dress!.... did they rip apart a very poorly printed leather horses saddle and wrap it around her or something!?!"   Chanda whispers Xander laughs Yelena walks around them then leans up against a door frame and says "that's it"  Chanda rolls her eyes then opens the door and walks inside the room then stops when she sees what was waiting for Xander inside there was a girl in a red lingerie dancing on the bed post in a very sexual way "well I can see why this was only meant for you!.... I do like the candles though!.... the things you do for your country!"  Chanda whispers sarcastically Xander walks in behind her he chuckles "shall I let you have your fun!?!"  she asks as she turns and starts to walk out of the room he grips her arm gently and says with a low growl "you're staying right here!.... she's the one that's leaving!"  hearing him the girl climbs down then walks out of the room but stops when Chanda grips her arm gently and says softly "no it's ok!.... I don't feel comfortable here anyway.... after all I only came for YOUR sake!"  then she walks out the door and the girl in the red lingerie looks at her then at Xander who looks at the door and shouts "wait!.... Chanda!!"   then he jogs after her and finds her already gone "damn it!"  he whispers kicking himself for something that wasn't even his fault he could try and search that whole place and never find her he sighs in relief when he finds out that she borrowed one of Kolya's motorcycles.... with his permission though she turned off the GPS on it.... and went "home"....

 and went "home"

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