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Chanda ends up going everywhere with Xander even to the police headquarters sitting in the backseat of the car not looking at or speaking to the Agent who disgusted her named Milan Sova when they get inside the station Xander and Chanda separate.... it of course doesn't go unnoticed that he had such a "hot babe" attached to his arm as he entered and that he got a kiss on the cheek out of the deal when they separated.... she even blew him a kiss when he "checked her out" with the x-ray goggles as she played around with a few guns at the shooting range they had inside alongside a female blonde agent who smiled at Xander.... Chanda went with Xander to look at the cars he "ordered" from Yorgi wearing a sexy ripped/slashed outfit they walked around looking at all the cars that Yorgi had for him Chanda slides the tips of her fingers over the sheet of the one and only hidden car with Xander watching her every sensually sexy move.... she did that with every car but this one was extra special...."so, what do you think? beautiful"  Kolya says displaying his arms out along his sides "you like the cars?"  they hear Yorgi ask and they turn to face him "I love the cars, they're dope you like the money? Xander replies as he wraps his arm around Chanda's waist and they walk over to him "I love money, but I do not have it"  Yorgi replies "really? you look like you're doing very well all these employees, beautiful cars"  Xander says "this is no time for being funny"  Yorgi replies they hear a knock on a window and Xander looks up at Yelena who was in the upper office Yorgi looks up as well and Yelena rubs her fingers together then Yorgi turns his attention back to Xander who asks "what you didn't think I wasn't good for it?"  Yorgi replies "it never crossed my mind"  Chanda chuckles softly and the boys look at her "sorry!"  she says softly and Xander smiles "there's a cargo ship waiting for you in Rijeka here's the address"  Yorgi says handing Xander a piece of paper Chanda looks up when she notices a shadow on the white/extremely dirty brown glass roof of the building she decides to ignore it for now as Xander and Yorgi start moving yet again "this place is dope"  Xander says then he points to the car that is under the sheet and asks "this one's mine?"  Yorgi jokes "well now that I've seen her I thought I would give it to your girl!"  Xander laughs then Yorgi says as his brother hands over the keys "car number ten Kolya found it hiding in Berlin it was very difficult to find"  Kolya points his finger at Xander in a gangster gun sort of way and Xander nods his head at him Xander goes to remove the sheet and stops when Yorgi says "no! please allow me you were kind enough to give me the money"  then he pulls the sheet off revealing the car which Xander looks at like he was looking at Chanda blowing soft air through his pursed lips then biting his bottom lip.... ok to say the least the man practically drooled over the car AND the woman.... "now, please.... drive"  Yorgi says tossing Xander the keys Xander catches them then he and Chanda walk over to the drivers side of the car as Yorgi looks for the door handle on the passenger side "no, allow us"  Xander says he takes Chanda's hand in his then softly slides his fingers over hers as he shows her where the button was to open the door and they press it together "you'd do anything to feel a girls body up against your chest huh!?!"  Chanda whispers teasingly Yorgi laughs then starts to get in the car "you're not a girl you're a woman!.... she's a girl!"  Xander whispers back nodding his head over at Yelena then he climbs into the drivers seat then he pulls Chanda in with him and sits her on his lap then shuts the door and says as he starts the car "you're alright Yorgi"  Yorgi replies "yeah everything's alright with enough vodka you must come to party tonight big party at one of my clubs.... bring your girl!"  Xander says "yeah?"  Yorgi replies "yes.... I would like to see you both again!"  just then they hear a crash as the windows on the roof fall down into the garage Chanda opens the door and climbs out of the car just as the shattered pieces of glass that were once windows fall to the floor and Xander and Yorgi follow then they notice the same shadow she noticed earlier and the two guys pull their guns out and point them at one another over the roof of the car....

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