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Eliza's POV 5 months later
    I watched as (F/N) jogged on the treadmill. He looked like he was in pain but he didn't stop doc was on the other side "Hey, you sure you don't wanna take a break?" He grunted before replying "N-no, I.... I can keep going" I spoke "You know it's okay to take a break? You aren't quitting by taking a break" he nodded "I can't... I can't stop... I need to get better" I sighed as he was breathing heavily. After another minute he hit the kill switch doc leaned over "15 minutes, you're up 4 from yesterday." (F/n) nodded as doc helped him over to the chair next to me. I looked over to see him touching his scars and looking sad "You okay?" He sighed "I'll never be able to forget it, everytime I look into the mirror I'll remember what they did to us. There's no escaping it." I looked down before replying "maybe you shouldn't try forgetting it" his head snapped towards me as his eyes narrowed and he hissed out "you want me to remember everything? You want me to be tortured forever?" I shook my head "of course, I don't want you tortured. Just hear me out, okay?" He nodded slowly "fine, let's hear it" I spoke again "why don't you try to come to terms with what happened, and use it as motivation? I know a lot of people use tragedy as motivation; why don't you try to do it too?" He mulled over my words "I don't know if I can come to terms, it's not something easy to deal with..." I nodded "I know, I've been with you on this journey to combat readiness I've seen your struggle I have an understanding of what I'm asking. Just try to do it for me, okay?" He sighed "such a drag, alright I'll try." I smiled as I messed up his hair "come on, time to bench" he shakily stood up as I went to grab his arm to help support him he spoke "no, let me do it alone" I nodded and stood close enough to catch him as he started walking slowly to the bench press before sitting down and asking me to put on 90lbs.
Doc's POV
I was standing by the treadmill with Zach and Monika. I glanced over to (F/n) and Eliza when I heard laughing and saw them both doubled over, it's the first time I've seen or heard him laugh or smile since they were brought back. I heard the treadmill come to a stop as we all stopped in shock that they were laughing so hard especially since he's grown so quiet since the incident. I tapped Zach "Let's get back to work, you still have a recovery too" he nodded as the treadmill started up again. Monika spoke "did she actually just get him to laugh?" I nodded "Yeah, she... she did" I saw a smile make its way onto Zach's face "he's healing..." I perked up at that "What do you mean?" He replied between breathes "he's been so quiet because he has nightmares nightly and he think about them over the day, she got him to laugh which means he's starting to let go of the pain" I nodded slowly as Monika spoke "how do you know so much? I thought he was barely talking to you too?" He nodded while jogging "He is, but after working together for 18 years we know each other. I can hear him at night when the nightmares hit him, I can hear him muttering when he thinks I'm asleep. He hides his pain so you worry about me the most but she just got him to let some of the pain go. He's healing" I sighed "is he atleast answering the question sheets honestly?" Zach shrugged "that I can't tell you, I'd guess he is since he's never been a liar as long as I can remember" I looked over as I heard the door open followed by Marius and Harry walking in. Marius split off to Eliza and (F/N) as Harry walked over to us "hello everyone, how're we doing today?" I gave a thumbs up as Monika replied "pretty good" Zach grunted before replying "tired but good. Happy" Harry looked intrigued "why are you happy?" Zach hit the kill switch "Eliza got him to laugh, and not some half assed chuckle, a full on laugh" Harry froze for a second before looking at the trio "Really? She actually got that?" I nodded "we were just as shocked, they're growing extremely close. She works almost exclusively with him, Marius and Elias are mostly assistants" he smiled "I was worried about him, he just seems like a shell of his former self" we all nodded as we heard laughing again. We looked over and saw (F/n) touching his scars with a small smile on his face, while Eliza and Marius were laughing. They moved to the door as Harry spoke "I'll be back, keep up the good work Zach" as he jogged to catch up with the trio.
Harry's POV
"Hey, hold on!" I saw them stop and turn. (F/n) waved as Eliza spoke "Oh, hey Harry. Sorry we didn't know you were trying to catch us" I nodded "I know, I'm not upset or anything. How're you all feeling?" Marius rubbed his neck "tired, it's a lot of work doing missions and then helping him with his therapy" I patted his shoulder "just don't over stress yourself" he nodded as I looked to Eliza "what about you? How're you feeling?" She looked at (F/n) and smiled "I got him to laugh so I'm happy about that, I'm also happy with how cooperative he's been. I'm kinda tired because of how hard he pushes us, it's always that next step forward." I paused "do you ever ask for a break?" She shook her head "god no, if the cripple here can do it, so can I." I sighed "very well, and what about you (F/n)?"
Your POV
I paused "tired.... determined but tired....." Harry looked me over "are you happy with the progress you've made?" I replied "Yeah, it's been difficult but I enjoy challenges." He smiled "how's sleep? Has that gotten better?" I sighed before shaking my head no "it's become difficult to sleep at night, nightmares and all" Harry nodded sagely "tell me about them on the way to wherever you were going." I froze for a second which he noticed before I motioned for Eliza and Marius to lead the way "it always starts the same way, it's pitch black and then a fire starts before slowly snaking it's way towards me... I...I-uh try to get away but it always catches me and..and it burns my face and neck... I'll remember everything.... all the torture, moments I almost broke..the burning.... I'll wake up yelling or breathing heavily, I think Zach knows but doesn't say anything.... and then my scars feel like they're fresh, they sting, all over again." I heard Eliza gasp lightly trying to hide the shock, Marius looked at me worriedly "you sure you're okay?" I shrugged "it's just reality for me now" I glanced over at Six he looked deep in thought. I didn't say anything as Eliza stopped by the door to the cafeteria "come on, let's get some food" I waited for Six and Marius to enter before following. After we got our food and sat down six spoke finally "Do you have any hobbies, (F/n)?" I shrugged "kinda? I like to draw and paint, sometimes I go fishing, I used to just go on drives, why?" He paused and looked at me "have you tried doing them since you got back?" I looked down before replying "no, Eliza took me for a drive a couple days ago but I haven't done them myself in a while" Eliza spoke "I thought you were? You said you were gonna draw" I nodded "when I got  to actually drawing I couldn't think of anything to draw so I didn't" she sighed as Six spoke "I think you should try to do something new, photography maybe? You could probably have Elias and Marius help you build a pc, right?" I nodded slowly thinking it over "why would a pc help me?" He replied "You could get a VR headset and accessories for your PC and then feel like you're flying a viper again. It might bring some joy back" I stopped "I have missed flying..." he nodded "just food for thought, so me a favor and keep working towards recovery alright?" I gave a thumbs up and went back to eating as he left. "Where's Elias?" I shrugged as Eliza spoke "I don't know, he said he'd be here for breakfast. Just give him time, we don't have much to do." I sighed "I hate days like this, downtime everywhere nothin' to do" she chuckled "you still have some stuff to do mister, don't go checking out of the day already." I sighed "such a drag," I was about it to continue talking when the door opened and Elias, doc, Monika and Zach walked in. I rubbed my hands together "fuck me, I'm tired" Marius laughed "mein freund, you're always tired." I looked over "Yeah, don't stop me from being tired now does it?" He laughed while shaking his head no "I suppose not" just then the other 4 sat down. I looked at doc "how much longer before were cleared?" He thought it over "probably 3 weeks if you both keep up the progress you've made" I sighed as Zach spoke "come on (F/n) cheer up, we're almost done with the physical part" I nodded as Jordan and Erik sat down "how're you feeling?" Zach spoke first "sore but better, like progress is being made" I have a thumbs up opting to remain quiet. I thought over what six said "Hey Elias, you wanna help me build a gaming PC? Six thinks it might help if I can get the sensation of flying again" he looked excited "of course I'll help" I grew a small smile "thanks" Eliza tapped my shoulder "wanna go for a drive?" I nodded as I stood I waved bye as Eliza said "we'll be back in a while" followed by most of our friends going "ooh" or "Eliza and (F/n) sitting in a tree" as we walked out. I chuckled as we left and headed to the garage "thanks for bringing me on these drives, it's nice" she waved me off "no problem, I enjoy taking them" as we turned the corner and arrived at her car.

I moved to the passenger door and got in, I relaxed in the seat as I heard the engine start purring

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I moved to the passenger door and got in, I relaxed in the seat as I heard the engine start purring. She pulled out and we set out for our drive through the countryside.

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