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Name: (F/N) "Saber" (L/N)
Date of birth: December 31st 1982
Place of birth: Charlotte, North Carolina
Height: 5' 11" (1.80m)
Weight: 164lbs (74.389kgs)

Background: Growing up (F/N) loved hearing stories from his grandfather of flying and once he got old enough his grandfather brought him to the eagles realm in his biplane and injected a love of flight into (F/N). Eventually his Mother broke out her war stories causing (F/N) to grow up interested in flight and the military, it was a match made in heaven when after starting the enlistment process the job of Attack Helicopter pilot showed up on his available careers. 9/11 was the motivation, the patriotism and love of the military made him sign up with the goal of being at the top of the spear, Once in training he was partnered with another cadet who was later given the callsign Striker, they would train and learn to fly the AH-1z Viper together after their training unit was short on Apaches following a size up. Striker would operate the 20mm cannon and the Tv missiles while (F/N) would have control over the Hellfire missiles, heatseekers and 70mm Hydra Rocket pods. They excelled in their training graduating 2nd in the class, before volunteering to join the 160th SOAR regiment. Once in the training for the regiment, they went through rigorous training in weapons, hand to hand, tactics, explosives and evasion training putting them skill wise on an even playing field with the Army Rangers who they work closely with in the field.


Specialized G36c for cockpit storage

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Specialized G36c for cockpit storage

Specialized G36c for cockpit storage

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Ah-1Z Viper paint job

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Ah-1Z Viper paint job

Ah-1Z Viper paint job

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Operation: Saber StrikesWhere stories live. Discover now