Several months later

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       We've been here 5 or 6 months it's been pretty much a blur, train the pilots, do a mission hang out with Monika, Marius, Jordan, Elias, Freyja and Eliza and then rinse and repeat. I'm currently sitting in my dorm looking at the tv when I heard a knock on the door I opened it to see Eliza "Hey (F/N), can you give me some advice?" I nodded "Yeah, sure come on in" she smiled slightly as she entered she sat at the counter as I moved to the other side "What's up?" She looked at me "I've got a crush on this guy but I'm not very sure how to tell him, you know?" I nodded "And I help out how?" She looked down "I need advice on asking him out, I'm not sure how I'd do it" I smirk "The old dilemma, personally I'd bring them to a secluded area, so it's just you and them, I'd tell them how I feel and I'd ask them to a special place or on a special date. Does that help?" She looked deep in thought "Yeah, thanks a lot. I've gotta go" I nodded as she left I thought about what she said maybe I should ask my crush out I stood and set about finding her grabbing an apple I moved through the base until I found her "Freyja! Come here I wanna talk to you" she walked over with a smile "(F/N) what is it?" I sighed "I've got a decent sized crush on you, I was wondering if you wanna go on a date sometime?" She seemed shocked "(F/n), you're sweet and all but I've never really dated anyone.... I'd have no idea what I'm doing...." I smiled "Gotta learn sometime, it'll be fun." She sighed before smiling "alright, I guess you're right, yes we can go on a date sometime" I grew my signature confident smirk "wanna spar? We haven't done that in a while" she nodded with an excited glint to her eye "Don't think I'll go easy on you because we're dating now" I laughed openly "I wouldn't have it any other way, let's box" she giggled as we grabbed our gear and got into the boxing ring I heard Zofia "Oh shit! They're fighting again, Everyone they're fighting again!" I laughed "You hear that? We're famous" she looked at me "Good, the team can watch as you get dropped" I cocked an eyebrow "you ready?" She nodded as I tossed my phone to Zach "Hit it!" As he put it in the speaker and hit shuffle.

I looked at Freyja "Let's go" she charged forward throwing punch after punch which I dodged or block I threw a left hook and hit her ribs on the right side as I spun a full 360 and went for her knees only to receive one to the cheek as I fell back "Damn" I got ready for her to attack but she didn't I quickly ripped my guard up somethings wrong here. I sighed as I ran forward and threw several kicks at random heights that she dodged before I managed to hit her neck causing her to drop I went to finish the fight but she spun and punched me square in the nose I bit my tongue as I stumbled back to keep myself from falling I looked up at her as blood started seeping out of my mouth I pushed forward before stopping she counter pushed as I spun away from her before turning and clapping loudly in her face catching her off guard and opening her defense I ran and threw a punch hitting her to a knee as I lifted my leg high above my head and brought the Axe down she dropped to the ground in a heap as I turned to walk away I heard Zach "(F/N)! Watch out!" I spun just in time to catch a foot to the jaw as I hit the ground hard I breathe heavily as the air left my lungs I looked up to see her looking at me with a smirk I spun as swept her leg as I mounted her and started throwing punch after punch before she rotated and got me in an armbar "Tap! Tap for fucks sake!" I lifted her up as she threw her weight back and yanked my arm with her I yelled in pain as I felt a pop she released my arm and fell back as I felt my deadened arm and started laughing "Dislocating my arm, huh? Think that'll stop me?" As I prepped my arm to relocated it using the metal corner bar I took a couple deep breathes before shoving with all my weight as I gasped in anguish as the white hot pain shot through my body I rotated my shoulder "Good as new" just then she came flying through the air trying to kick me again I responded with a shoulder charge that slammed her to the ground painfully. She was slow to get up until I grabbed her and lifted her above my head dropping her as I kicked my knee up and yelled "G. T. S.!"as she dropped and didn't move for about 10 seconds. I walked over thinking I knocked her out until she spun and clapped in my face causing me to stumbled as she charged forward I could almost feel the bloodlust until it disappeared and she tackled me kicking my leg out from under me as she slammed me down getting me in an arm triangle choke.

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