Chapter 2

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The other Marauders met up with Peter in the train, and shortly after that Lily,  Marlene McKinnon,  Alice Fortescue, Mary McDonald and Dorcus Meadows came into the carriage.

"what do we owe the pleasure of you lovely ladies? " Sirius said with his signature grin.  They giggled. 

"we thought we'd get the primary information,  from a certain Mr.  Lupin" Mary said sitting besides Sirius.  Marlene sat on the other side of him.  Alice sat next to Remus,

"how are your knuckles?" she asked,  gently picking up his hand.  "ouch"

Dorcas fell into the seat next to Peter, 
"I can't believe you punched Snape" she said picking up a chocolate frog. 

"I don't want to talk about it" Remus said snatching the chocolate off Dorcas.   Lily was the only one left standing,  and the only remaining seat was next to James. He was smiling smugly.  She glanced around trying to catch the eye of one of her friends and convince them to switch.  She frowned,  all of the girls were suddenly submerged in a conversation,  Potter was behind this,  she knew it.  She looked at him again with his stupid smug smile,  he patted the seat next to him. She sighed,  'may as well give him a chance' she thought sitting next to him. 

Then the carriage opened.  Regulas Black,  Sirius's younger brother,  was standing in the doorway eyeing the company with distaste.  Sirius stood shocked, Regulas's eye passed him bye like the rest,  it landed on Lily.

"can I see you outside for a minute,  Lily? " he asked formally,  everyone was staring. Lily sat shocked,  unsure as to what to do,  she saw Sirius slump back into his chair,  looking hurt. Regulas sighed and held his hand out,  to help her.  She took it and he pulled her up,  he then gestured for the door and followed her out.

The cabin was silent.  All eyes were on Sirius, he was pale and gnawing on his lip,  in deep thought.  Eyes then switched to James who was frowning,  and looking confused. 

"Did anyone know they where friends?" Dorcas asked,  breaking the silence.  Everyone shook their heads. 

"Lily helped him study last year,  said he was a bright kid,  but he didn't talk that much.  Apparently it took him a while to warm to her" Remus said,  unconcerned. 

"hmm,  I haven't really noticed him before,  because you know Slytherin,  but seeing him up close,  he's kind of good looking, is he seeing anyone? " Marlene said looking out the doors window. 

"that's my little brother Marlene,  keep away,  he's of limits " Sirius barked gruffly.  Marlene rolled her eyes.

"What happened between you two Sirius? " Mary asked ignoring the signals Remus was giving.  "In second year you were so close,  it was cute then I don't know.  Something changed." Mary pushed further.

" it doesn't matter" Sirius said,  bordering on angry.  He flexed his sholder,  James and Remus glanced at each other. 

Two summers ago,  Regulas and Sirius had been told by their parents that they were to become more involved with the dark arts,  Regulas complied, however Sirius refused, causing his parents to use the cruciatus curse on him causing him a damaged shoulder.  The pain was more mental than physical.  Neither Regulas or Sirius had been the same after that. 

Sirius lost all his care for safety,  and started acting reckless,  well more reckless than usual.  He started doing things to intentionally anger his parents - Spray paint a huge lion on the dining room table, doing everything he could to shame the name of Black- this ment more of the cruciatus curse.

Then the door reopened and Lily and Regulas walked in laughing. 

"I'll see you later Lils" he said smiling.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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