Chapter 21

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Laura, Claire, and I were at the coffee shop between classes. I had a shift soon and needed some sustenance. And some girl time.

I'd received a text from Jaxon that morning saying that he had a class and would be heading to work after. Since that night I'd come up to his place, things seemed different between us. Cozier, sweeter, more personal—despite us not directly discussing it.

"So, when are we rescheduling our road trip?" Laura asked before taking a huge bite of her blueberry muffin.

"I've already asked for two Saturdays off in as little as two months," I said. "I'm pretty sure I won't be granted another one for awhile."

"Let's try again after the holidays," Claire said, and then shot Laura an evil look. "And no boy plans messing it up."

"Right, asshead," Laura said. "So, Ashlyn, what's happening with the police case? Are they any closer to finding the intruder?"

"They said there'd been plenty of break-ins around the area. But so far, no leads," I said, and then took a bite of my bagel. "He must be in hiding, because the detective said they haven't had another report since that night at my building."

"Maybe Jaxon spooked him that night," Laura said. "He got a good look and caught him in the act."

"True. I don't think he'll return, but if he does, I'll be ready for him."

I had been channeling all of my kickboxing energy into imagining that intruder. I felt stronger, readier, should anything happen again.

Except that's what I thought prior to it happening, too. I was imagining someone like Tim, though.

Someone that I knew. Not a complete stranger.

"Whoa, you badass," Claire said. "Don't be practicing any of those moves on me."

"You and I could stand to learn a few of those moves," Laura said, paging through her psychology book, prepping for the test she had in an hour.

"Speaking of intruders," Claire said a bit too loudly for my taste. "What about Virgin Boy?"

I cringed. "What about him?"

"Have you broken him down yet—finally slept with him?" She batted her eyelashes at me. "Wasn't that your ultimate plan?"

"Don't be a dick. Of course it wasn't."

"Oh c'mon. You could have bet me some cold hard cash, because I knew you'd weaken his resolve, have him begging you for sex. Is he at least well-hung?"

Claire could be ridiculous. Sometimes it was best not to even argue the point with her. She always got in the last word, and usually it was hilarious.

Unless it involved something personal and someone you cared about.

I decided to just let it go. Let her have her fun.

"Yeah, sure, Claire. His package is perfect and we've had some good sexy-time."

"I knew Virgin Boy would come through for you. I bet he begs for it all the time now. Be sure to send him my way next."

She tried to high-five me but I just shook my head.

I heard a muffled gasp from Laura. When I looked up, her lower jaw hung open and her eyes were focused on something behind me. I turned to see the blur of a red baseball cap and Jaxon storming out the door. I could only see a side view, but his lips were drawn tight, his eyes narrowed.

"Fuck." My ass was suddenly glued to my seat. 

"Go after him, dickhead," Laura hissed at me.

Her words unstuck me. I jolted up and raced for the door. I looked both up and down the street but he was nowhere in sight.

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