Chapter two~ Slipping

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Peter could feel himself slipping deeper and deeper as he walked out into the almost empty parking lot. He tried to push himself into his big headspace which, to his dismay, only had minimal results. He silently slid into the backseat of the car and tried his best to look like his usual cheerful go lucky self and, obviously, failing. Happy noticed right away.

"What's wrong kid? Usually you're talking my ears off by now" Happy chuckled though anyone could hear the concern behind it

"nofin hap jus a bit tiwerd" peter mumbled with a yawn

Concerned about peter and why he was talking like a small child happy rolled up the divider and called tony. Tony, while very skeptical, thought he might know what was going on.

Happy rolled the divider back down to keep an eye on peter but instead was met with a sleeping peter complete with him curled up as much as he can, and a thumb placed gently in his mouth. Though very odd happy thought it was kind of adorable.

~they just pulled up to the tower~

"Pete,,,,,hey peter it's time to get up bud"

Peter awoke to someone gently shaking his shoulder, as he became more conscious, he realized who was shaking him and what situation he was in. Tony Stark aka his secret father figure and ironman was shaking and speaking to him while happy watched from the driver's seat. This wouldn't have been that bad, but Peters thumb was still planted in his mouth. Once he noticed this detail, he immediately shot up and took his thumb out of his mouth.

"OH h-heyyyyyyyyy Mr. Staaaark" peter exclaimed but not without a voice crack or two

Tony studied him for a few moments before explaining that he fell asleep on the way to the tower. He didn't mention the whole 'sucking on his thumb like a weird little baby' which peter hoped he just didn't see. Of course, Tony saw, he's not blind. But he decided not to bring it up just for the sake of not embarrassing his kid.

Tony and Peter spent the rest of the day up until dinner time in the lab. Peter tried not to slip any further as he attempted to focus on beefing up his web shooters. Of course he couldn't focus when most of his focus was placed on trying to stay as big as he can. Tony, again, noticed. Though he didn't do anything. He decided the best course of action was to watch from a far for now.

Both of their heads whip towards the door as they hear a faint voice yell "DIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNEEEEEEERRRRRRR" the voice undoubtably belonging to Mr. captain America himself.

Dinner went as it always does. Lots of screaming, arguing, conversations, questions, and smiles. Nobody really noticed that peter was quieter than usual today. Except Tony and of course everybody's favorite aunt, Natasha. Tony only knew because he'd been keeping an eye on peter since he got here and Natasha because you can't believe she wouldn't notice something wrong with her favorite nephew.





Sorry it took so long to update, and this chapter ended at such an odd place but I felt like it was going on for too long.

I got big plans for the next chapter though!!

Love ya'll!!! <3

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