chapter one~ a little bit of back story

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~Civil war happened, about a year and 3 months after endgame, Tony and Natasha survived, Nice Flash, All Russian is in bold for connivance~




~3rd person~


Peter had had a horrible week. First of all, finals where in less than a month and you already KNOW that our boy Pete has been staying up extra late to study. Then Monday he has a pop quiz in English that he totally bombed, sure it barley affected his grade, but it still felt bad. Tuesday was going well. Skip hadn't been at school, so he wasn't being tormented every 5 minutes, and he got less homework than usual which meant he more time for patrolling. Parker luck seemed to be going easy on him today. Of course, Peters curse of bad luck never takes a break; so by the time he was back home he had gotten stabbed a total of 3 times and shot twice. Wednesday Skip decided that because he wasn't there yesterday Peter should get twice the beating and a little extra just to make up for lost time. A N D he was supposed to go to Tony's today. FRICK how was he supposed to hide his black eye and 2 broken ribs. long story short, he didn't and since then Tony has been watching him a little TOO closely. Thursday was pretty uneventful except for a small paper cut that his healing factor took care of in about 2 minutes. That shit still hurt though. Thankfully today was Friday. Peter of course just had to get up late and had to rush to school without breakfast.

~At lunch~

"I swear to Thor, Loki, and everything holy that if one more bad thing happens to me this week I'll probably start sobbing on the spot." Peter complained to his only 3 friends

"You're literally being so dramatic" MJ replies with a slight scoff

Flash and Ned stay silent but wear a look of sympathy and understanding.

He's honestly not being dramatic. This week has been unbelievably stressful, and he hasn't had any time in the past 2 weeks to be little. That's right, Peter Parker aka Spider-man uses age regression to cope with is stress. He has been a little for almost a year now. He has only a small number of little things, all of which are stuffed in a box under his bed. Though he does carry his favorite pacifier with him in a hidden part of his backpack, just in case considering he did regress to about 1 years old

~After school by Peters locker~

"what's POPPIN Penis Parker!!!" Skip practically screamed. Peter only groaned in response, trying to block out his upcoming taunts.

"Ohhhhhhhh you're ignoring me now huh? Pathetic. Can't even fight back just a little bit. No wonder your parents died. They probably killed themselves just to get away from you." Skips friends snicker in the background.

Skip raised his voice slightly to make sure Peter, who is biting his lip attempting to stop the slow stream of tears, can hear. " So unbelievably useless. Everybody knows it. You sat there and watched as your Uncle bled out on the side walk. I bet he was thrilled to finally get away from your useless ass." Peter was almost full on sobbing, Skip was hitting where it hurt most.

"Pathetic little Parker... Your Aunt is probably at home right now hoping and praying that she dies soon so she can get away from her useless, pathetic, crybaby nephew." Skip finished as his friends howled in response. He walked away with a smirk leaving Peter, who was now on the floor, with sobs wracking his body. Big peter would have handled this situation way better, but it was kind of too late to even try to be big. Peter had to hurry up and get cleaned up though, Happy was picking him up to take him to Tony's and he didn't feel like exposing both him being a little and that he was being bullied.

Wiping his tears on his sweater sleeves he walked out to go meet happy.





So, how'd all like it?

I'm sorry for any spelling errors I'm REALLY bad at it lmao

also, this is the first fan fiction I've ever written!!! So, das cool ig

Please leave comments on what you'd like to see or any criticism!!

Thank you for reading so far!!! <3

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