The End.

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Frank Iero's heart rate monitor beat steadily beside him as his oxygen mask blew air around his respiratory system so he could breathe. Frank Iero. The sixty five year old man dying of terminal lung cancer. A husband. A father. A grandfather. A friend. 
His wife Jamia sat dutifully by his bedside, her gorgeous face lined with age and flecks of grey had now entered Her dark hair, they were both starting to show their age but whilst Jamia still held an ethereal air around her, Frank had become a thin, wheezy old man who relied on machines to stay alive. Maybe those cigarettes had been as bad as everyone said after all. Frank watched his as she napped lightly in the chair, he watched every detail, committing it all to memory; A minute later he was bored again.

That's when Frank Iero decided waiting to die fucking sucked.

It was around ten thirty at night when things began to get weird, Jamia was sleeping in the chair next to him when Frank could've sworn he heard a child giggling and running up and down the corridor but when he looked out the glass he couldn't see anyone in the dark corridor, he wheezed and sighed, not only was he dying but now it seemed he was losing his mind too. Suddenly the lights flickered in the room, Frank turned quickly to look at Jamia but it seemed the light show did not wake her from her slumber. The lights stopped flickering and stayed on. Frank's door opened and a nurse came in, pushing what seemed to be an old TV. Something about this struck Frank as odd but the man did not question it, his mind too numb to now pick upon the detail of the nurse in a 1930's nurse uniform and an ancient television being wheeled into his room at what was actually five in the morning. The TV flicked to life and Frank's heart dropped as a very familiar face filled the screen "Gerard." Frank mumbled softly beneath his mask as he watched the man blink and a tear slide down his face "It's time. You have seen him." The nurse said quietly and four more entered the room and stood around Frank's bed, his heart machine started to shriek in his ear and he gasped for breath as the lights went crazy again, in the distance Frank could've sworn he heard Jamia cry out.

Then it all went black.

Frank felt like he was falling. Down down down. He was falling down the rabbit hole. Terror gripped his heart and mind as his limbs flailed in the hope of finding maybe a wall to grip onto and stop his descent into the darkness. But he just kept going. His mind screaming for something, anything to end this.




Down he went until his back hit something soft and warm. He frowned as he scrambled up onto his feet. He still couldn't see anything in the dark but he was in fight or flight mode and he was definitely leaning more towards the flight idea and so he stumbled about with his arms outstretched in front of him, hoping to find s wall, anything to give him some indiction that he was someone and not stuck in a void. Thats when he felt it, a rough, dry wall grazing against his outstretched palm. A sigh of relief left the man. At lease there was something physical here. He followed the wall and let it guide him until he saw something. A soft glimmer of light up ahead. That's when Frank Iero started to run, his legs ached and his lungs screamed but he kept going, desperate to reach that glimmer of hope. He was also regretting bunking off gym throughout High school; But he was reaching it. Closer and closer and closer and then he was there. Frank burst out of the cave like a bat out of hell. As soon as he was out he gasped for breath and stood there panting as he looked around and the alien landscape. Everything looked grey, as if all the colour had been sucked out of the world. It was a desolate landscape and in the distance Frank could see the smoking remains of what looked to be an old city. He stood there looking around for a moment before a muffled "Hello there." Broke his thoughts and made him let out a small shriek as he turned to see a woman stood there in a victorian dress and a gas mask with wildly curly long blonde hair escaping from the back of it "Are you Frank Iero?" Her soft, muffled voice asked Frank who dumbly nodded, still in shock from this woman's sudden arrival and appearance "I am Mother War, Frank Iero. Welcome to the Afterlife."

The Black Parade.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora