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"Frankie!"  The little brown haired boy raced across the drive over to his young friend who was sat on the ground cradling his knee and whimpering "It hurts Gee." The boy whined as the elder fussed over his knee, grabbing a band aid which he had now begun to keep in the pockets of his jacket, ever since his young friend had decided he wanted to learn to ride the brand new racing bike he got for his birthday. Gee sighed as he placed the alien bandaid over the cut and smiled "There, all better." He grinned and frank whimpered "You gotta kiss it." He pouted "Mama always kisses my ouchies to make them feel better." He told his friend. Gerard smiled up at the boy and leant down and kissed over the bandaid gently "there." He smiled at the boy "Now it's definitely better." Frank grinned and stood up "It definitely is." He said happily and immediately got back onto his bike to try again.

Years past and the two boys remained friends however as hormones came into play and puberty ran rampart in both boys bodies Frank's feelings towards Gerard shifted; They shifted to something more than friends but Frank couldn't tell him, he couldn't jeopardise his friendship with his closest friend on the entire planet and he most certainly couldn't let his religious parents know about the raging homosexual feelings he felt for his friend and so he hid all those feelings deep down and dated a girl, a friend he had made called Jamia, she was enough, she was kind and pretty and great at sex but she just had one thing missing. She wasn't Gerard. But he could never have Gerard and he was forcing himself to accept it. Little did he know that Gerard felt the same way about him, all those feelings of love and lust Gerard was having to, he built up the courage to ask him thanks to his younger brother egging him on and talking with him but it was never to be for on the day he was meant to Gerard saw Frank making out with Jamia Nestor and instead of confronting his best friend and telling him how he felt. He ran. He ran out of the school all the way home cursing himself about how he could be so stupid to think that Frank would ever like him and so he too dampened down his feelings and hid them, he saw Frank less and more of a boy named Bert McCracken who Gerard ended up dating, he was sweet and kind enough to Gerard but he saw the connection between Frank and Gerard and jealousy sparked in his heart, he was terrified of losing Gerard and so he kept him more to himself and gave Frank less time to be with Gerard but by the grace of God Frank and Gerard stayed best friends, even if their relationship was slightly strained now.

It was a few days after his eighteenth birthday Gerard got the call and it wasn't his boyfriend Bert who he called after, it was Frank. It was Frank who picked him up whilst he was in floods of tears, it was Frank who drove him to the hospital, it was Frank who held onto him as he said goodbye to his baby brother, it was Frank who let him weep on his chest as his brothers life support was switched off, it was Frank who held onto him as he cursed everyone who had led Mikey down the path of self destruction, it was Frank who convinced him to keep going when he blamed himself for Mikey's death, it was Frank who came with him to the funeral, it was Bert who took him home after telling Gerard it should've been him that went with him, it should of been him that he called, not his 'stupid, good for nothing best friend who had caused him to hurt'. It was Gerard who apologised. It was Gerard who laid in the bed and sobbed his eyes out, it was Gerard who let himself go out and get drunk, it was Gerard who slept with another man and broke Bert's heart.

By the time he was twenty four Gerard was well into the pit of sex, drugs and alcohol abuse, mix that with varying degrees of self harm and suicidal tendencies and you have an appetite for destruction; One which Gerard very much had and he simply did not care anymore, Frank was happy enough with Jamia, they were engaged for god's sake. He didn't need Gerard anymore. That's why on a dark night, the day before his twenty fifth birthday Gerard Way decided to end his life.
He succeeded.

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