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We finally arrived to the California headquarters.Charlie said to go to Bosley for our new mission.I was still sad but I need to do the mission.

Bosley-Hey guys
Jane-Hey Bosley what is our new mission
Bosley-Ok are new mission is very important,you guys need to train even harder for this
Bosley-Your new mission is similar to when we rescued Elena,but this time it is the annual mayor celebration located in fo-
Sabina-Forks,me and the Cullens went there last year
Bosley-I am so sorry Sabina bout what happened
Sabina-Don't be duty calls
Elena-Who do we need to take down?
Bosley-We need to take Mr.Rell
Sabina-The mayor
Bosley-He is planning to sell a device that can kill anyone on command
Jane-ok when is the party
Bosley-In two days,so let's get training

(Back with the Cullens)
Pain.Pain is what I been feeling since Bella left.Alice is the only one who comforts me because her and Bella where really close,they other seem to really not be that hurt by Bella leaving especially Rosalie.If I just said something to her Bella would have still been here.Alice told me I should just text Bella,which is what I did.I said if she can meet me tomorrow here at the house,she still hasn't responded,which I don't blame her for.I just hope she responds too.

(Back with the Angels)
We were all done with training for the day when I got a text from Edward,which say if I can meet him in the house tomorrow.I didn't know what to say so I asked Elena and Jane for advice.
Sabina-Guys I need your help
Elena-What's wrong
Sabina-Edward texted me saying if I can meet with him tomorrow in the house
Jane-It is a long drive but we can take you if you want
Elena-Yeah we can!we just need to ask Bosley if we can go
Sabina-Ok,I will go talk to him,let's go ask Bosley
Elena-Are you going to wear your wig to talk to him
Sabina-Hell no,I want to feel comfortable

We went to ask Bosley if we are allowed to go because we weren't sure because of training and she said yes because she was planning on setting us to forks tomorrow either way because of our mission even-though it is in 2 days.We have a trading post near forks so it was fine.It has been one day without Edward and it has felt like an year but I am going to stay strong.I am not just going to throw myself into his arms.We decided to change and then we will go.We changed into these outfits.I am so nervous considering the terms we left on.

(Back to the Cullens)Me and Alice were in the living room with wolf pack and the rest of my family

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(Back to the Cullens)
Me and Alice were in the living room with wolf pack and the rest of my family.
Alice-Did she text back
Edward-Yes she did
Alice-What did say
Edward-She said yes
Alice-Yes I am so happy
Rosalie-Who are you guys talking about
Jasper-What did she yes to
Edward-Coming here tomorrow to talk about happen
Rosalie-Have you not learned your lesson
Jacob-Maybe Bella coming will help
Rosalie-With what are suspicion of her cheating
Jacob-But she never said she was cheating
Jasper-She never said wasn't
Edward-Guys this is what caused Bella to leave,so I am putting my foot down she is coming and that is finally
(They next day)
After our long drive we finally made it to Forks!it was around 2:00 in the afternoon,me and the girls we not tried because we drink two energy drinks before driving.I was so scared to talk to Edward, but I have finish on good terms with him.As we pulled up in the driveway I had to talk to the girls really quick.
Sabina-Guys I am so nervous
Jane-It is going to be ok you just need to talk to him
Elena-Is there anything we can do to help you
Sabina-Can you guys come with me
Jane-Are you sure
Elena-Ok we will go with you

As we got of the car looked at the window and saw everyone staring at me,with shocked faces because of my hair.I guess Edward told everyone I was coming.I was getting more tense which Elena and Jane notice and they rubbed my back and gave me reassuring smiles,which made me calm down.We went up the stairs to the door.I knocked an Alice opened.She didn't even say hi before she pulled me into a hug.
Alice-I missed you so much Bella
Bella-Hello to you too
Alice-I see you brought friends
Bella-Yup this is Elena and Jane
Alice-Nice to meet you guys
Elena-Nice to meet you too
Alice-Well come in Bella Edward is waiting for you in the living room
Bella-where everyone is

As we walked to the living room I felt my nervous.Thank god Elena and Jane came with me because I don't think I could do it alone.We finally arrived to the living room and all eyes were on us.Edward stood up and came over to us.
Edward-Hey bella(tries to hug her)
Bella-(backs up)hey Edward
Rosalie-Wow has to bring your little squad
Bella-excuse me
Rosalie-Can't do nothing by yourself
Bella-If I were you I would stop
Rosalie-Am I suppose be scared of you
Bella-maybe not of me but of them two
Rosalie-They look so weak
Bella-Don't underestimate them they are stronger then you think
Carlisle-ok I think that is enough why don't you introduce them to us
Bella-Gladly this is Elena and Jane
Carlisle-nice to meet you two girls
Elena-Nice to meet you too
Jane-Nice to meet you
Bella-Edward what do you want to talk about
Edward-Ok I think everyone would like to say sorry about what happen the other day
Rosalie-Don't include me in this
Edward-But we will just like to know where you run too
Bella-I can't I am sorry
Rosalie-then why did you come here in the fir—
(They all hear a crashing noise)
Rosalie-what the hell
(A tall brown hair guy and three more guys comes in,and the angels know who he his)
???-well well well look what we have here the three little angel
(All the Cullens and wolf pack are confused)
Jane-what the hell do you want
???-to destroy you guys but I am not going to get my hands dirty,so boys get them(he leaves and the other three)
Elena-I wasn't preparing for a fight today but bring it all
We all charged at each other Elena took the guy on the left and Jane on the right.I took the guy in the middle I jumped on top of him and punched him he fell but got back up he knocked me down but Elena tackled him and fell unconscious and Jane took down her guy and we finished the fight.Suddenly Bosley walks in
Bosley-are you guys ok
Elena-we are but they are not
Bosley-I brought other angels to take them,did you guys not get my call
Sabina-no we were on the floor by the time you called
Bosley-ok we need to train for our mission is tomorrow the mayor brought the party forward
(They all turn around to confused Cullens and wolf pack)
Rosalie-What the hell just happened and we will like the truth this time.
(All the angels look at each other )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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