Slave to Guard

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                         Chapter two

"I think Im due for wrecklessness and 



"What the feck... In the name of my reflection, it's beautiful" my hand shot to my mouth as a gasp escaped my mouth it was involuntary, but, the short breath of intake was an emphasis of the untouched and unexplored treasures in front of us. 

I took a peep over my shoulder, Jeremy lit his cigar and inhaled deeply, soaking the poison in his lungs. He lit up his lighter once more and placed it above a candle waiting for it to catch light "just as I imagined it would be..." Jeremy took the torch from the stand and waved it infront of him. The tomb lit up magnificently, little details that needed to be seen up close, camouflaged in glass cases told a unseen story of ancient language and rivalry.

Jeremy walked behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, he recited the small paragraph in his language. It was a wonderful to hear him speak his language fluently, over the years the ancient romanian language tarnished with early voyages settling in, year by year the language was broken down for foreign traveller's to understand and speak. 

"Well?" I looked at him, Jeremy didn't say anything only read. His dark thick eye brows were knotted together as he tried to understand and translate the correct meaning to me, his lips parted as he sighed in defeat, "What's wrong?" I patted his hand on my shoulder reassuring him.

Jeremy stepped away, taking the spot next to me. He put the torch up against the wall searching for more information, his blue eyes and bright blonde hair close to the flame an excitement ran through me. His eyes were a exquisite violet, so bold and blinding that you would easily accuse him of wearing coloured contacts. A feature that I mostly adored with jealousy.

He said it was family trait, most immediate family had the same inherited violet eyes. Jeremy's family had dated back from Romania going back to dust and rock. He fluently spoke his native tongue as his primary communication in his household in California. Although his accent was still heavily laced with the rough, husky accent; I had no trouble sharing a convocation with him, despite the difficult pronounciation others had endured with him.

Jeremy paced away from the wall grunting, " I don't understand!" He complained, I hugged him from behind hopping to erase some of his tension.

"What is it?" I pulled him closer to me, making Jeremy pull me into a hug. He sighed into my neck "well," he said breaking the contact and turning to the wall "it's talking about how she died."

Everyone dies i thought, I remembered how my grandmother died, I didn't want her to but I couldn't stop it. Although a word had caught my attention, I raised my eye brows in interest, "she?"

Jeremy nodded taking my hand in his and kissing it softly, "mhm."

It was odd to think that a woman would get this much lavish treatment, care and so much attention in a patriarchy society, it made me wander who she was to the eyes of the lower and higher class, "Well how did she die?"

Jeremy sat me down on the protruding box in the Centre of the altar and took his place infront of me. 

"It says," he pointed to the stone "she died in her lovers hand, but, this one says she died with the enemy and the third one says she was assinated by her own court ... I don't know who's account this is on-"

"Atleast they aren't bias about sides," I huffed, Jeremy took a side glance his eyes were far and distant with a distraught tension.  "Ok, sorry. I didn't think you will be offended." Jeremy stepped out of my reach when I went to comfort him, "don't take it personally I was only saying, that the person who wrote this was sitting on the fen-"

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