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*Time Skip to Monday Morning.*

Chloe's POV:

I waited for Aidy outside of the school gates, normally she waits for me but she text me earlier saying she was going to be late. While I was waiting a few people asked if Aidy was here yet. It felt weird, people only really talk to us if they need something. I saw Aidy walking up the road so I ran down towards her.

Aidy: Hey, sorry I'm late, I got stuck at home.

Chloe: That's fine but how did you get stuck at home if nobody else is there?

Aidy: Well there was no milk in the fridge and I needed my cup of tea so I needed to go and get it.

Chloe: How on earth do you drink so much tea? 😂

(They both laugh.)

Chloe: Oh by the way people keep asking if I have seen you.

Aidy: That's weird, nobody ever looks for me.

*Time skip to lunch.*


Chloe and Aidy were standing outside near where their next lesson was. Then Hope and her group of friends walked over to the girls. They stopped their conversation.

Hope: Hey girls, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.

Aidy: Yeah that's fine, are your other friends going to stay or is this a private conversation. (Aidy says it sarcastically but Hope doesn't notice.)

Hope: No, just me.

Chloe: Okay.

Hope: So Aidy I saw your new picture on Instagram and I was just wondering if it was like real?

Chloe: You mean the one of her and Jack?

Hope: Yeah.

Aidy: Well then yeah, that was real.

Hope: You don't have to lie just cause we used to be friends.

Aidy: I'm not lying, It's me and Jack in the picture, you don't have to believe it seeing as you believe what you like recently.

Chloe: Aidy, Don't!

Hope: What's that supposed to mean?

Aidy: It doesn't matter, I know you know what I mean but you can think what you want.

Hope: Okay well nobody believes that it's actually Jack in that picture.

Chloe: Well they can believe what they like: Me. Aidy, Wyatt and Jack know it's real.

Hope: Whatever, I don't believe you and nobody else should either.

Aidy: Bye Hope. (Aidy says sarcastically.)

*Time skip to after school at Aidy's house.*

Aidy: Maybe I should just delete the post.

Chloe: No, don't do that! Don't listen to Hope. She's a bitch.

Aidy: Oh my God Chloe! That's not like you.

Chloe: I know but I hate her, she has been horrible ever since Kat-

Aidy: Don't say it. Please. But I wont delete it because that is what she wants. And the last thing I want to do is giver her what she wants.

Chloe: Just ignore her, it should have been her.

Aidy: Chloe, seriously, lets not talk about the situation yeah?

Chloe: Yeah, I'm sorry.

Aidy: Don't be sorry. Lets just ignore it and watch Labyrinth.

Chloe: Okay.

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