Chapter 8 - Ash

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Ash signed 'Thank you' to Mr. Poplowski before walking into another class for the first time. Once he opened the door, he was hit with a wave of cold air. He gasped as he stepped into the greenhouse. It was freezing, maybe even colder than it was outside. The shock of cold air seeped through his thin vest and shirt in almost no time at all. Ash pulled his vest tight around himself and breathed onto his hands, which suddenly felt dry. 

Ash was one of the first people to make it to class.

Mr. Poplawski sure knows his way around, he thought.

In his head, Ash reviewed his schedule. There were warm days and cold days, as Mr. Poplowski had explained on his way over. This was to help keep the students from getting colds. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were cold days, then Thursday and Friday were warm days, then Sunday and Saturday were break days. In winter, cold days were longer than warm days. Which is why he'd be stuck in frigid greenhouses for - he counted off his schedule - 4 more classes, not counting this one or lunch.

To take his mind off the cold, Ash talked with a few plants to pass the time.

How are you doing? 

Good. Not growing much, but that's fine. How can you talk to me?

I don't quite know.

Can you tell Mrs. Woodward I would like a drink?

I can't talk to people.

Oh. Well could you water me? She's trying to go all winter without watering us but I don't think it'll work. There's more of us across the greenhouse that are thirsty.

How can you talk to the plants across the greenhouse?

Roots. We all exchange information through our roots.

Sorry, got to go. Class is starting.

Thanks for stopping by!

Ash moved over towards the rest of his class, who had entered while he was talking with the plant.

"Today we'll be learning about how plants in the tundra adapt to their surroundings."

Ash sat at attention for the whole class although he was freezing. His favorite part was when they got to walk around and feel the coatings that kept plants warm. Some were waxy, others vaguely fuzzy.

Ash waited until everyone else had left to talk to Mrs. Woodward. She was bent over a few plants, murmuring softly to them.

Can she talk to them too?

Ash tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh!" Mrs. Woodward spun around.

"Sorry!" she said, laughing. "You scared me for a second." She squinted at him a little bit. Ash shifted uncomfortably.

"I haven't seen you before. Is this your first day?"

Ash nodded.

"Oh! What's your name?"

Ash hesitated.

There's the question. 

He acted out 'I can't speak' for what felt like the thousandth time in his life.

"Oooh," Mrs. Woodward said.

Ash walked over to the plant he had been talking to at the beginning of class. He mimed drinking a cup of water, then pointed at the plant.

"It wants a drink?" Mrs. Woodward furrowed her brow.

Please please please please...

Ash smiled down at the plant.

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