Chapter 7 - Mimosa

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Mimosa woke up when she heard the door creak open. She jerked up in her bed and glanced at the door, just barely catching a flash of platinum blonde hair as Primrose stepped into the hallway.

"Wait for me!" Mimosa tried to jump out of bed, but her foot was stuck in the sheets. She fell on the ground with an almighty thump, falling on her face. And it definitely didn't help that Primrose stood in the hallway laughing hysterically. Her eyes a bit misty, she kicked herself free of the covers and walked over to her suitcase. 

"I'm not waiting for a first year, loser." Mimosa heard Primrose's footsteps retreating down the hall.

"Well that's great because I wouldn't want to be seen with a jerk like you!" Mimosa spat back. She wasn't just going to let this girl walk all over her.

Mimosa dug through her suitcase and pulled out her least frilly dress. She had packed so, so, wrong for this school. She shut the door to her room and quickly dressed for the day, making sure to put on warm clothes. 

After all, it is pretty chilly out, She told herself.

Mimosa pulled on her hiking boots, which were actually boy's shoes her mother bought for her. She smiled, remembering hundreds of walks she had taken with her mother around their estate. Ducking out into the hall, Mimosa joined a stream of girls, hoping she'd blend in. 

Mimosa clung to the railing of the spiral staircase as students poured down it, trying not to trip as she made her slow descent. The mass of students was starting to thin out as they made their way out the doors. Mimosa walked behind a group of girls who were chatting amiably. She followed them out the doors and into the chilly autumn air. The bottoms of her stockings were soaked with dew by the time she stepped into a flat brick building with a sign that, unsurprisingly, matched the others and said "Cafeteria."

The group of girls Mimosa had been following sat down at a long table with benches on either side. 

Make your move. Be bold.

"Is it OK if I sit here?" Mimosa asked.

"Sure!" a brunette said.

Mimosa slid onto the bench next to a tan girl with shoulder length black hair.

"What year are you?" she asked, hoping she would seem friendly.

"First. You?"

"I'm first, too! This is actually my first day of school."

"Really? I'm pretty new, too. I came about a week ago."

"I just think it's so cool that people can join at any time." A strawberry blond girl from across the table said.

"Well, any time within a few months." she added.

"What time did everyone join?" The girl sitting next to Mimosa said a little louder so the whole table could here her.

"I joined right when enrollment opened. The woods really gives me the creeps. Am I the only one?" the girl with strawberry blonde hair said.

"I joined last month, but I was fine with the woods. I did got lost, though." said the brunette who had first invited Mimosa to the table.

"You have to leave markers." A girl with short chestnut hair said.

"I'm glad they don't cost for enrollment. It's hard enough just to get to the school!" the girl sitting next to Mimosa said.

"How does the school even make money?" short-haired girl said.

"I think a lot of the families donate," said the brunette.

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