Morse Code pt. 3

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In which Peter Parker purposely looks for trouble. This part three was requested by TheLesQueen15 I'm sorry it took so long and I'm sorry if it seems rushed.

Ships: None.

WARNINGS: Mentions of human trafficking, badly written fight scene, surprise ending

-Line Break-

"I know that you just got out of the hospital and you probably don't want to be in another stuffy room but it's important that we talk about the incident thoroughly."

Peter nodded at Officer Morales in understanding, he didn't like it but it had to be done.

"Can you tell me how you were caught?" Officer Morales asked.

Peter frowned. "I told you already."

"Yes, you told me that you let them take you but I want to why and how you knew that they were who were," the man explained.

"Alright well I overheard them talking about Morné and how I was the kid that messed up the deal so in an impulsive decision after stopping myself from freaking out I stopped and let them take me."

Morales wrote down what Peter said then nodded. "Is there anything specific that you heard them say that, like you said, freaked you out the most?"

Peter thought for a moment then jolted in his seat recalling something that he hadn't thought about until that moment. "They mentioned how I picked up on Luke's tapping," he breathed. "And the only people that know how I picked up on the deals were -"

"Cops," Officer Morales said in realisation. "We've got a rat."

-Line Break-

"Alright men," Officer Morales said loudly, clapping his hands. "We've received a lead on more trafficking bases from a source that we're all familiar with by this point."

Everyone glanced to Peter then back to Morales. "How're we playing this?" One of the other officers, Jackson Marques, asked.

"We're going to use bait to get to em from the inside."

The officers nodded. "Who's going to be the bait?" Jackson piped up again, referring to the teams that would have to be disguised as teens.

"Peter." The room erupted into sounds of disapproval and disbelief.

"There is no way that we're sending a civilian in there unarmed and untrained," Garon Jacobs, one of the higher up officers, stated.

"By this point it's our best option," Officer Morales argued.

"We know that one of the bases is in this area," Peter started, gesturing to an area on the case board map. "And if I hang around that area for the day I'm very likely to get snatched since they know that I'm an unattended kid."

"And since they know that Peter is a problem for them they'll want him out of the way so they'll grab him. And when they do we'll have a tracker on Peter's shirt so we'll not only know what street they're in but what building so that we can infiltrate the place."

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