Chapter Five: I Don't Want To Lose You

Start from the beginning

I walk towards the school gates and slide down the bricks to a sitting position on the ground. I rest my head on the concrete and take out my headphones. I put on some music to -hopefully- calm me down and take a deep breath.

I sit there for a few minutes before I hear a loud car horn blare in the near distance. Curious, I stand up to investigate only to be knocked to the ground by someone running around the corner.

The ground disappears beneath us as we hit the ground hard with me underneath breaking the other persons fall.

"Agh I'm so sorr-" I hear the person say and I look up at them.

"-Suga?" (y/n) says as she gets off me with her face turning pink.

It takes me a few seconds to register that she's here and okay. Before I even know what I'm doing I practically tackle her into a hug.

"(y/n)! I was so worried." I say holding her tightly and she relaxes into the hug. We sit there for a few seconds before we separate. I'm still holding onto her arm gently wanting to keep in contact with her just for a little longer.

"Why didn't you respond to our texts?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows and she rubs her neck with her free hand.

"I may or may not have slept in, very, very late. So I didn't get time to read them before coming here." She says shyly. A smile broke out on my face and I ruffled her hair.

"You had all of us worried that you were hurt and you were just sleeping in, how anticlimactic." I say looking at her beautiful eyes.

"What do you mean? Why were you all so worried about me being hurt?" She asks tilting her head slightly.

"There was a rumor that some highschool student was hit by a car on the way to school. We couldn't get you to respond to our texts so we were all beginning to think the worst." I say excluding the fact I was probably the most freaked out of everyone.

Her face turns into shock and guilt flashes in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry -I should have at least responded to some. I didn't mean to worry you all." She says looking genuinely apologetic.

"I doesn't matter now, you're okay and that's the important thing." I say and give her arm a light squeeze,
"You are okay right?"

Your P.O.V
He's giving me a look that makes my heart melt entirely. He looks so comforting yet somewhat afraid that I might answer no. I smile reassuringly at him.

"I'm perfectly fine now." I say and he lets go of a breath, smiling at me sweetly.

"We should go tell the others then. They're in the gym." He says getting up and helping me to my feet. We begin walking and I instantly miss the contact we had of him holding my arm. It feels so cold now, before I felt like it had an electrical storm going through it.

We walk to the gym, Suga lead the way, walking slightly ahead of me but looking behind to see if I was still following. Every time he does I smile at him and he turns back with a shocked expression, like he didn't realise he was even looking at me again.

My heartbeat quickens everytime I he looks at me and I'm glad we get to the gym quickly or he might've notice the blush creeping up my neck.
Suga opens the door and everyone's attention shifts to us.

Kaneko practically runs over and swamps me in a hug, Daichi's not far behind but walks up to Suga first putting a hand on his shoulder and saying something to him.

"Fujioka!" Kaneko says squeezing me,
"Are you okay?" She says letting me go and looking me over to see if I was hurt.

"Where were you?" Daichi asks, turning his attention to me and I chuckle nervously.

"I'll never forget you" [Sugawara Kōshi x reader/ *slight* Ouran High Host Club]Where stories live. Discover now