"I ha-"

"Gally you were out there breaking the same rule you want to banish Thomas for breaking. You don't know what it's like. When those doors closed, I got scared and ran away, but Thomas kept a cool head and tied (Y/N) to a wall, which was crazy, but it worked. He risked his life to save (Y/N), even though he barely knows her and had been warned about the Maze countless times. Anyone else who had been here for only one day would never have been able to do what Thomas did."

Gally scoffs and looks around at all the keepers.

"You think it was skill? This shank just got lucky!"

"Gally you're a bloody coward who's never once volunteered to be a runner so shut your hole!"

Gally goes red and steps towards Minho.

"Call me a coward again and I'll break your neck, Minho, you just wait." Minho laughs and pushes Gally backwards, making the other guy fall backwards.

"If you ever threaten me again," Minho says softly, "I will break your arms and legs before your shuck neck."

"Minho that's enough." Newt says, stepping towards the runner and pulling him away gently.

Gally gets up, glaring at everyone and then pointing at Thomas.

"Things are going to change, you shuck faces'll be sorry you didn't listen to me! I've seen him, seen his face in the Changing. I'm going to stop his plans, if I have to kill him!" He storms from the room, and people erupt into arguments.

"Shut your faces!" Alby yells and motions for Minho to sit down.

"We should throw him in the slammer, he's crazy." I can't help but agree with Minho, Gally's reaction were way put of line.

"Can I speak now?" asks Thomas and Alby nods. "Right. Since I have no idea who I am or what I did before I came here, you have to take that out of the equation. Just judge me by what I did in the Maze, and yeah, I broke the rule, but only I could see that (Y/N) and Minho needed help." He leans back in his chair, looking at the floor.

"I think we should put him in the slammer for a day then make him runner." I speak up for the first time, watching carefully to see the reactions. Alby nods, but Minho opens his mouth again. "If he proves himself in a month's time, we'll revisit the issue." He nods, and I look around. Most people are nodding, but a few such as Winston are frowning at the floor.

"Alright," Alby clears his throat, "let's vote on it. all in favour of one day in the slammer then making Thomas a runner?" Hands go up, a majority. "Ok that's that."

Everyone leaves, filing down the stairs and out into the Glade.

"Hey," Thomas jogs up behind me, "thanks."

"Don't thank me yet, Greenie, you can have your day in the Slammer tomorrow." I walk off to get dinner, leaving Thomas staring after me.

I get some dinner then go sit where I usually do, waiting for Newt. He arrives after a short while, limping over to me and settling down, his bad leg stretched in front of him.

"I've been thinking," he says, and I raise an eyebrow. "when the girl first came out of the box, she said that "everything is going to change." Ben said that Thomas would want to get us out of the Maze, and then Gally said it was all going to change too. I think there's something we're missing."

I finish the last mouthful of my food and set the plate aside, thinking.

"When I was going through the changing, I saw-" I'm cut of my a pressure on my neck, chocking me, I struggle against it, but then realise it's my own hand, I can't control it.

"(Y/N) what the-?" Newt scrambles over to me, shouting for help. I can't let go of my neck, and I'm getting dizzy. I feel a strong pair of hand pry my hand away, while someone else is holding my thrashing body down.

I gasp, pulling in great lungfuls of air, the person, who I now register is Thomas, still holding my legs.

"You can let go, I'm fine" I rasp, rubbing my neck.

"(Y/N) what the hell was that?" Newt asks.

"I don't know, it was like I couldn't control my arm. When I tried to talk about... it."

"The Changing?" Thomas asks, and I nod.

"Bloody hell." Newt curses, looking around. I lie there, looking up at the stars and trying to get my breath back.

"You good?" Thomas enquires, and I nod again.

Newt tells Thomas to get me some water, but I don't really need it.

"Nah it's ok," I wave a hand, sitting up again.

I collect mine and Newt's plates, bringing them over to the basin of hot water where I wash them, thinking about what just happened. Why couldn't I control my hand? It was almost like it was being controlled by an external force, someone who didn't want me to talk about what I saw in the changing.

I'm standing up and drying the last dish when I feel a pair of large, warm hands on my waist and a tickle of warm breath on my neck.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Newt asks, and I stop, not turning around. I sigh, putting the plate down in the pile.

"To be completely honest, not really." He takes me by the hand, leading me away from the other Gladers.

"If you want to tell me," he says, facing me, "then I'm listening. If you don't want to talk about it, I'm here for you too."

"It's just," I stop, take a breath then continue. "I think that someone can control us." Newt frowns a I go on. "When I was choking myself, I couldn't control my arm. It was like it was someone else doing the choking but using my hand. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's what it felt like."

Newt nods, thinking.

"Well it would explain the whole thing, it was freaky. Maybe someone doesn't want us talking about the Changing or what we saw. I mean, nobody else has ever actually tried to talk about it, right?" I nod.

"I don't know," I sigh, looking at my hands. "I mean, do we even want to get out? The world isn't in very good condition."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't-"

"Oh, right. Sorry."

"It's fine," I say, yawning.

"You're so cute." Newt grins, brushing a strand of my cheek.


"Yeah." I laugh, not exactly sure what to do. I take a step forward, reaching up to kiss him. He stumbles backwards a little, then wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls back, one of his hands weaving through my hair. He smiles down at me.

"I love you." He whispers, then kisses me again. I pull back this time and wrap my arms around his waist.

"I love you too," I murmur.

After a while, Newt lets go of me and draws back.

"We should get some sleep." He says, and I nod.

"Right here's as good a place as any." I say as I sink to the ground.

Newt stretches out beside me, gazing up at the sky. I turn my head, watching him. The moonlight shines off his face, making him look like he's made of silver. He's so beautiful, and I wonder what our lives would be like if we weren't in the Maze. He must sense my gaze because he looks across at me and smiles.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks, folding his hands over his stomach.

"You," I say back.

"What about me?"

"Everything." I giggle, and he turns back to the stars.

"Crazy to think," he says, "there are people out there, outside the Maze, that are looking at exactly the same stars."

"Yeah," I say, "that's a weirdly comforting thought."

We're quiet for a while, until I look back over at him and see he's asleep. I sigh, closing my eyes. 

WICKED games (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now