chapter 2- when eren is drunk

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It's a late Saturday night, probably around 11:30 when me and Levi finally get back to his off campus apartment. I can't really tell though because my head is swimming and I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

Basically, I'm drunk.
We had gone out with some friends , and I really hadn't meant to drink that much, I'm only 18, but no one had checked ids and one drink turned into another.

I giggle as Levi unlocks the door and turns around to roughly grab my arm dragging me inside the apartment.

"Ooo, I like it when you're rough with me daddy," I giggle. He turns around to glare at me and slams the door shut, taking off his shoes and heading to the bedroom.

I can tell he's angry, but I'm not really sure why?

I plop down on the floor, suddenly feeling incredibly lazy and roll over on my stomach. "Leviiiii," I callout, wanting his attention. "Come help me up!"

"You're not crippled Eren, you can get up by yourself."

"No I can't! I broke both of my legs!" I heavily slur and giggle when I hear his footsteps.

His feet appear in front of me and I look up.

"Hiii leviii," I giggle reaching my arm out to him. "How's the weather up there?" I crack up at my self and start rolling around on the floor.

He doesn't look very impressed.

He bends down and picks me up effortlessly, my laughter not stopping. "Whee! Wheeee!" I exclaim as he carries me to the bedroom and plops me down on the bed. He sits down and puts his head in his hands, sighing deeply. This catches my attention and I crawl over to him before putting my head on his thigh, looking up at him.

"Leviii, whats wrong?" I ask. I'm getting a little concerned, it doesn't really make sense he's so upset, we had just been having a good time!

"You make me worried Eren."

What could he mean by that? I had been on my best behavior tonight, except for the fact I got crazy drunk.

He looks down at me. "You're barely legal, you just turned 18 a couple fucking months ago. I don't like to see you drink, I don't want you to turn out like me."

It was then that it made sense why he was so worried. Levi had a really big drinking and smoking problem when he turned 18 and it was a result of severe depression he was going through at the time. He always tells me never to smoke and I knew he didn't like it when I drank. I never realized how much it actually hurt for him to see me doing the same bad habits he used to have.

I sit up and face him grabbing his hands with a little more force than necessary. I still feel the buzz of alcohol through my system, but I need to tell him this.

"Levi I'm sorry. I know you don't like to see me drink and I wasn't planning on getting drunk," I scoot a little closer to him so I'm basically sitting in his lap. "You know I won't turn out like how you did."

He shakes his head and the slightest evidence of a smile shows on his face. He completely pulls me into his lap and I giggle as he wraps his arms around me tight .

"Besides, it would be impossible to turn out like you were when I have you to get on my ass about it!"

He rolls his eyes and changes our positions, hovering over me. "Don't make me nervous like that you fucking brat."

"No promises!"

quick note- edited

Daily Lives of a College CoupleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin