"You didn't have to make a buffet, Molly. I'm sure some people wouldn't have minded eating their imagination for supper as well." Sirius smiled before taking a sip of pumpkin juice from his goblet.

Tonks shot him a glare and Remus frowned.

"Could you stop acting like a pregnant woman." She hissed.

"How would you know?" Sirius arched a brow. "Did he knock you up already?"

Minerva blinked. "What on earth has gotten into you three?"

"Bloody lovebirds." Moody grunted.

"How about we start this meeting?" Dumbledore spoke up before anyone could add to Moody's statement. "Let's talk and eat. Is that ok, Mrs. Weasley?"

She nodded. "Yes."

Everyone dished their plates up before Dumbledore settled down in his chair. "Now. For starters." He rubbed his beard. "I've gained some intel that the dark lord will be holding a small ceremony for new death eaters in a week."

"Already?" Hermione frowned.

Dumbledore raised a brow at her. "Pardon?"

"It's just....... There are so many students in the Slytherin house that are at risk of potentially being forced into recruitment due to familial associations." She frowned. "And I feel like it's unfair that they might be forced into that so soon." Hermione looked down at her lap. "I'd just hate for there to be a war in which we'd have to potentially kill our loved ones."

"Our loved ones-?" Dumbledore's eyebrows knitted themselves together.

Ron spoke up. "Hermione is dating Zabini and Harry is dating-"

"Excuse me." I cut him off. "My love life is fine, thank you very much."

"Yeah. Sure. We all know Malfoy is going to be a death eater Harry. Don't act stupid."

Remus blinked before turning to face me. "You're dating Malfoy's son?"


"You're a fucking liar." Ron snapped, catching everyone off guard.



"We were friends."

"That's not what you suggested at the yule ball."

"I thought you weren't trying to be an asshole anymore, Ronald." I rolled my eyes. "I'm as familiar with Malfoy as you were with Cedric-"

A bowl of hot mashed potatoes flew my way before it froze in midair.

"STOP IT. Both of you." McGonagall scowled before levitating the bowl back down. "Act like adults or you're going to bed without supper!"

I let out a growl of frustration.

"Fine. So you were friends. Really good friends." Ron muttered. "There."

"You being gay isn't a problem, Potter. Half of these idiots at this table are."

I ignored Moody. "..."

Sirius squeezed my shoulder and I relaxed a little.

"So you're close with Draco?" Dumbledore tilted his head.

I bit my tongue for a moment. "Our friendship isn't as good as it used to be."


Sirius noticed how tense I was and spoke up. "I saw in the newspaper today that a lot of people have been getting slaughtered in Azkaban."

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