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I have FINALLY written something new after THREE YEARS of absence! (Is is four now???) In any case, I'm so sorry for being gone for so long! I kind of fell out of the Gravity Falls fandom and into Yuri!!! On ICE hell 😂 but I hope soon I can update this book, maybe make a second part to Queen of the Universe, because thats what a lot of people have been asking for as I go through the comments. The thing that I've most recently written, though, is a Yuri!!! On ICE fic and I wanted to mention it here because I know that some of you guys like the show. I'm still anticipating the movie, so I won't be falling out of that anytime soon 😂 I made a new account for this YOI oneshot, but I might post it on this account, if you guys would like. My new account is  seven_hrts and its the same name on both Wattpad and Ao3. The Wattpad version is more complete, though, with the edits.

Dont worry, though, I WILL be updating this book as well. Might take me a bit though, because I'm not used to writing for Gravity Falls, or writing on the phone either. So I'll be doing some more chapters for this one, but if I see that my audience has completely left, I might just end this book and move on.

I am SO happy for all the reads I've gotten! Are you SERIOUS?? ALMOST 100 THOUSAND READS?? THANK YOU!!!

Also thank you so so so much to all the people who still comment and like my stories, and I'm so grateful that so many of you have remained active!

Again, my new oneshot for Yuri on ICE is up here: seven_hrts, but if you guys want me to post it on this account, I will do that!

Thank you again, and I promise that I'll start being more active on this account! Stay tuned for new chapters! ❤❤❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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