A Siren's Tail

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This is set back somewhere like five hundred years ago I guess, like the seventeenth century, so imagine like the old fashioned English clothing and everything. Ok this one might be crap. Sue me.

You struggled against the ropes that had been placed around your wrists as you were escorted to the middle of the ship you had stowed away on. Stowed away? Yes. Were smart enough to keep yourself hidden? No.

The man binding your arms together cursed at you and hissed a, "quit your movin!" as you squirmed. Within seconds you were thrown to the deck and as you kicked and moved, you screamed against the dirty gag that had been stuffed in your mouth. Men were gathered around you, some sneering at your struggles and some glaring daggers that you would have stowed away on this ship.

Quite honestly, you had had no idea who's ship this was or what purpose it had, but you had stowed away anyway, trying to get away from your life working in the tiny blacksmith shop along the beach. You hadn't been allowed to be outside much, or to talk with the townspeople. For years you had thought that it had just come with the position of being a blacksmith's only female apprentice, but two days ago, you had finally decided to get away from that life. Any life's better than one like that, right?

So, you had decided to stow away on whoever's ship this was and perhaps travel the world.

But, as your luck went, you had gotten caught and were now surrounded by filthy men who you could only assume were pirates.

The man you assumed to be the captain of the ship was looking you over. You had stopped screaming and kicking and instead, sat against the base of the main mast of the ship with silent tears running down your cheeks.

After a minute of pacing and watching you, he finally spoke, his gruff voice coming out as a growl. "Do you know what we do with stowaways, miss?" His stare bore into you, his beady eyes piercing straight through your being. You looked away from the man. "No answer!" he laughed bitterly and turned to his crew. The men behind him gave a shout and began laughing as he spoke again. "Well, then I'll tell ya!" he said. "We get rid of em!" He grabbed your arm, yanking you upwards and pointing towards the railing on the edge of the deck. Beyond the railing, all you could see was soft blue water, and though it was calm, you found it highly intimidating, espesially when two or three more crew members came up behind you and began pushing you forward.

Before you knew it, you were kicking and screaming again, trying to fight being pushed any closer to tipping off the edge of the ship and into the cold mass of water below.

Your attempts failed, however and you were sent bucking and wailing over the railing and into the ocean.

For a minute all you could feel was panic as you tried kicking your way to the surface, despite your bound legs. Your face contorted as you eventually felt the suffocating sensation overtake you and you lashed and wound about violently, wishing for air to fill your sore lungs. Your ears popped as you sank deeper into the murky saltwater. You yearned for fresh air as your failed attempts to swim only pulled you deeper. Your limbs we're becoming sore and tired and your sight was beginning to black out. The last thing you saw before your eyes closed for good was a flash of gold across your vision.

~Time Skip~

...Open your beautiful eyes for me....

........please I want...to see them....

Your eyes fluttered open to meet streaks of twilight across a purple sky. You groaned at the throbbing pain in your head as you attempted to sit up. You mentally noted the sand sifting in between your fingers as you pushed at the ground. Sitting up fully, you could see that you were laying on the shore of a small lagoon that connected to the ocean.

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