🎈You'll Float Too.🎈

Start from the beginning

Viser; and what do you want with me?

?: information.

Viser turned to see a woman with a city figure and light pink hair. She was wearing a black bath robe and her hair was in a messy bun. Edward sighed as the female sat on his lap, moving her hips ever so slightly just to tease the devil.

Viser: if you expect me to go back into that fucking prison. You can forget-

Edward: no no I promise you. All I ask for is information on Valuk. His buyers, money, warehouses, stores. You name it.

Viser was shocked to hear those words. Why would he be asking those things at a time like this? It didn't make any sense. Sure Valuk was a fucking weirdo but he was a high ranking official in the Council. What made him so special.

Pushing those thoughts away, Viser steeped herself.

Viser: and why should I tell you? How can I know you arent working for him.

?: why you disrespectful little-

Edward: relax Malty. Its fine. To answer your question, it's recently brought to my attention that he alongside other council members had a deal in something. With the Lucifers protecting the council, I need to find anything. If you want.

Edward tossed her a set of keys which she caught easily, looking at it and seeing the symbol for BMW on it.

Edward: you can take my car and go to the airport. There's more than enough money in the backseat so you can leave Japan for good.

Viser was again, shocked. She didn't expect him to be this open about it. But besides that, what can Valuk be hiding? She searched back in her memories. Each seeing the disgusting old man with stained yellow teeth and balding hair. There was one thing he was protected of. His safe in the office.

Viser: there was a safe in his office... never let anyone in it. It's on the second floor of his house.

Edward: thank you. If you are right, you're free to go. And if not, then I'm sorry.

The door opened and revealed 21, Hunk and Proxima wearing causal clothes.

Proxima: sire. We are ready to go for the mission.

Edward: Good. Failure is NOT an option.

21: ya ya keep yer shirt on.

Viser: I'm heading with you guys too. You will be wondering around that fucking eye sore for hours trying to find the office.

Viser left with the group, leaving only Malty and Edward to the fire. Before they could speak, a bloody mist proofed into existence in front fire place, revealing Alma in a bloody red dress. Her skin was deathly pale with fresh wounds leaking blood from it. Her hair was dirty and unkempt and her eyes were glowing blood shot.

Alma: hello master.

Edward: Alma. Where is Raynare? I told you to bring her.

Alma: She is currently with Alucard and Viola to meet with Yasaka and Amaterasu in Kyoto. They will be gone for the day.

Edward sighed, he really was starting to get annoyed with Raynare disappearances lately.

Edward: whatever. Listen... I have a job for you and Malty here.

Malty herself became curious, not expecting her future king and husband to have a plan for her.

Malty: What is in it for us?

Edward chuckled in response.

Edward: a good job? What do you think?

Malty grinned, standing up and slowly pulling the string back on her robe, revealing a part of her silky skin. Edward instantly knew she was naked underneath. Alma quickly caught on and grinned, revealing her bloody fangs to her master.

A Phoenix rises from the ashes (High School DxD OC)Where stories live. Discover now