After that, nothing really special happened. Evan had sat by himself at the living room, he wasn't really watching the TV tho.

Jared was also in the living room, but he was more interested in his Switch.

And in the middle of them was Jared's grandma. An elder woman dressed in a white dress. She had kind eyes and a sincere smile, as she looked back and forth between the two boys.

"Shit.." Jared muttered under his breath. His Switch was running out of battery, so he quickly ran upstairs to charge it.

A smirk appeared at Mrs. Kleinmen's face. "So... You're Evan, right?"

"Um.. Uh, y-yeah.. Yeah, I'm.. I'm Evan." he gave her a little nervous smile, trying not to make eye contact.

The woman giggled a bit "I honestly didn't expected this, but you're exactly the same as my grandson described you."

"Uh... I'm sorry who--?"

"Oh, Jared of course! But you already knew that! Jeez, he wouldn't stop babbling about you until a couple of months ago. I wonder what happened.. You two didn't fight, right?"

Evan's eyes widened a bit

What is she talking about..?

"I'm.. I'm s-sorry ma'am but.. A-are you talking about.. About Jared?"

"Yes! Oh God, that young man wouldn't stop talking about you!"

"Oh... Um, I did-- I didn't know that.."

Why would Jared be talking about me to his Grandma..? That's odd..

The confusion on Evan's mind was spread all over his face. What was this conversation even about?

"Of course you didn't." She smiled. "But tell me, what happened?"

"Well... I'm.. I-It's--" He didn't really wanted to touch the whole Connor Project thing, so he kinda just resumed everything. He took a deep breath before proceeding.

"I-I did some.. S-some messed up stuff, and- and his kinda mad at me.. so.. I mean, its totally understandable y'know? I did say somethings I shouldn't but.. But I didn't think he would get mad because-- Because it's Jared y'know but.. But.. I'll stop talking now.. S-sorry." Evan said in a rush.

"I see.." The woman took one of Evan's hand's so she would get his attention since he was almost panicking "Look.. You can trust me when I say Jared really cares for you."

Evan's eyes widened as he looked up at her, making visual contact for the first time in this whole conversation. She was looking at him.

"I know he can be a little prick sometimes but, I think that's how he is, right?" she giggled a bit, making Evan smile a little.

She had such a calming energy, just by the touch of a hand, Evan already relaxed and it looked like the only thing he could hear at the moment was her sweet voice.

"If you really think you messed up as you said, and if you want to put an end to this... The best thing you can do is apologize." She placed her other hand in top of his.

She's right.

"You're right." He said. He didn't stuttered this time.

"Thanks Mrs. Kleinmen"

"Oh sweetie, call me Sara!" She smiled, a wide and sincere smile.

"Now go." She made a gesture with her head towards the stairs. Evan immediately gets up, feeling a wave of determination feeling his body.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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