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LanlingJin Sect, Koi Tower.

"Sect leader Jiang, how about this – " a disciple said as he made a report about Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng rubbed his temple, feeling a headache. "It's fine. Just do as you see fit." He told him as he turned to the next disciple. He can't help but sigh as he looked at the long line before him.

"Uncle..." Jin Ling called in a small voice as he sat next to Jiang Cheng. He lowered his head.

Jiang Cheng stopped with what he's doing as he frowned and turned to Jin Ling. "So you know how to come back?" he said. "All you do is night hunt. Who do you want to prove yourself?" he asked as he pressed his lips into a thin line, holding back himself not to make more remarks. He knows not to humiliate his nephew in front of his nephew's future subjects. He took a deep breath to calm himself as he stamped the document with the LanlingJin Sect's seal. "I'm not stopping you to night hunt, since night hunting is a big part of a cultivator's life." he said as he took the next document handed to him. "But, you should know which responsibility is bigger. You will be the future leader of LanlingJin Sect." he told Jin Ling who had gone silent. "Night hunting is helping people, but leading the cultivators who were night hunting is also helping people. They are two different methods, and the merit cannot be measured. However – " he said as he turned to Jin Ling. " – do we really need to count the contribution we do to see who's better?" he asked. "Helping the people is never a competition. We help because it's a responsibility, not to show off to everybody." He told him and resumed his work, ignoring the gazes of the LanlingJin Sect to him.

Sect leader Jiang... so cool! They all thought as they looked at Jiang Cheng with admiring glances. You opened our view in life! They added as they felt more motivated to learn and train.

Jiang Cheng who didn't know he had changed his image in front of the people turned to Jin Ling whose face is red. "After I'm done with this, you can go." He told Jin Ling as he approved the next report.

Jin Ling immediately nodded as he sat upright beside Jiang Cheng, watching closely Jiang Cheng work. Uncle... he thought as he peeked at Jiang Cheng's serious face. Thank you. He smiled and happily watched his uncle work.

He can't wait to grow up and help his uncle, lessening the burden on his uncle's shoulders.

Wei Wuxian smiled as he watched Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling. He's leaning on the door, his arms crossed on his chest. "Lan Zhan. Let's go." He said as he turned to Lan Wangji who's watching him. "Lan Zhan?" he said when he saw his husband just stared at him.

"I thought you have something to tell to Jiang Wanyin." Lan Wangji said, puzzled when the love of his life suddenly changed his mind.

Wei Wuxian smiled as he walked towards Lan Wangji. "That can wait." He told him as he pulled him away.

Lan Wangji let himself be pulled away. "A marriage proposal can wait?" he asked.

Wei Wuxian froze in his steps. He turned to Lan Wangji. "Lan Zhan..." he said, his voice weak. "I really just can't understand – " he said.

"And so you're delaying?"

Wei Wuxian grimaced. "Then, you tell me – " he said as he looked at his husband. "What does that mean earlier?" he asked.

Lan Wangji stared at Wei Wuxian's face. "You could've refused – " he said.

Wei Wuxian cut him off. "How can I refuse your brother's request earlier?" he asked. "I was too shocked, so I couldn't refuse even if I wanted to!" he said. "By the time I recovered from my shock, Zewu-jun's gone! Tell me – " he frowned as he tiptoed to reach Lan Wangji's face and stared at those beautiful crystalline eyes. " – Zewu-jun planned it, right? He made me shocked so that I couldn't refuse." He said, his voice blaming. "How can I not be shocked when he told me he wanted to propose to Jiang Cheng?! Huh?!" he put his hands on his hips as he looked inside the Koi Tower where Jiang Cheng is busy approving the documents.

Suddenly, they heard a thud sound when something fell not far from them. "What?!" Jin Ling said as he looked at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, his eyes wide in shock. "Someone wants to marry my uncle?! And it's Zewu-jun?!" he said as he looked at the pair of husbands.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji turned. Wei Wuxian felt like cutting off his loose tongue when he saw Jin Ling. "... I should've just told it straight to Jiang Cheng earlier... right?" he said to Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji's face is just blank as he nodded. "En." He answered.

Jiang Cheng suddenly sneezed. He rubbed his itchy nose as he frowned. "Who's talking bad about me?" he asked, his brows knit.

The disciples looked at Jiang Cheng. "Sect leader Jiang is so hardworking." They said. "We hope he should rest. He's now sick..." they said, worried.

Jiang Cheng resumed his work, but his mind suddenly wandered. Could it be him? He thought, his forehead furrowed when he remembered he met Lan Xichen two days ago. He couldn't be talking bad about me... could he? He thought, unsure.

The GusuLan Sect never talk behind others. 

(A/N: what happened two days ago? Hmmm... WWX really has loose tongue. LWJ could discipline it ;) XD) 

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